Browse All Letters (392 total)
Nokesville Va. April 3. My Dear Wife: I sent you a letter yesterday and one to-day, therefore I won't write you one to-night, altho' I rec'd yours of the 29th but a little while ago. This is commencement for the purpose of saying something which I might possibly forget, if I do not write for a day or two. A notice of a book, entitled "Illustrations…
Nokesville April 6th 64 My Dear Wife: Yours of the 31st of March came last night, but having dispatched an epistle to you yesterday morning, I couldn't think of answering it immediately, even to tell you the name of the "she" who is a more prompt correspondent than yourself. And upon second thought I don't think I shall tell you now just to see…
Nokesville April 9, 64 My Dear Wife, I am sorry you did not receive a letter from me on your birthday. I have been writing you a good many lately and did hope that one would arrive on that day so that you might receive some sort of an offering from me. It is pleasant to have such an occasion to kindly remembered by one's friends, and I hope it will…
Nokesville April 11.64 My Dear Wife: The letter I wrote you on Saturday night and which should have been well on its way to Dayton is, I suppose still in the hands of the telegraph operator at the station. The long and heavy rains we have had lately raised the "runs" so much that several of the bridges on the railroad have been washed or so much…
Nokesville April 16th My Dear Wife: I believe none of my letters have miscarried, altho' the one containing the chicken letter to the boys appears to have loitered on the way. The last letter I sent, two days since, being a very precious one, (containing a $50 greenback) will I hope reach you as safely as the less valuable ones. It's no wonder I…
Nokesville April 18th 64 My Dear Wife: Your second letter of the 13th came to hand this evening. Boyer made that ugly book case, for which he charged me $16.00. I know nothing about the trundle-bed and think you must have bought it yourself, as I was not at home when it was bought, I think. I have forgotten all about it, at any rate. He never made,…
Nokesville Va April 20 64 My Dear Wife Your little box came to hand yesterday. The jelly cake was a little dry, but still very good and was devoured by self + co with great satisfaction. The little cake also were very good. I have been lighting my pipe with the tapers the boys sent and shall find the little cushion quite useful. The yarn was a day…
Nokesville April 24. 64 My Dear Wife: The hard times are coming fast! After living all winter on soft tack and fresh beef we are about to go back to regular soldier's fare, hard tack and fat pork. Hard as it was last Fall we shall no doubt find it harder this Spring. We are now to have two *waggents* to our regiment where we have five last Fall.…
Nokesville April 26 My Dear Wife: I rec'd yours of the 20th this evening. As you say nothing of having rec'd $50 I suppose my letter has not yet come to hand, altho as it was mailed on the 15th, it had had time to reach you. I hope it will have been rec'd ere this. It would be a shame for "poor folks" like us to lose so much money. With this I send…
Nokesville Va. April 26 64 My Dear Daughter: I am going to write you another letter today; it will perhaps be a long time before I can write you again, and it may be that this will be the last you shall even receive from me. This might, indeed, be said of every letter one writes, but we do not often write so strong a probability of soon being in…