Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-21

Dayton O. Dec 21st
Dear Husband
Uncle John has just handed me a note to enclose with my letter. From present appearances it looks as if I should be detained here longer than I wish, for want of money, as I cannot feel quite as sanguine as Uncle writes about money coming in this week. This worries me not a little for I wanted to get Frank some boots, and I believe instead of making up cotton flannel for him I ought to make woolen flannel on account of his cough. I had got cotton flannel but luckily have not got it out so think I can use it for myself. He is quite delicate, and has a little hacking cough the Dr. says his lungs are sound, but thought the flannel would be best for him. Then I wished to buy all that I need for the "little stranger" as I shall be unwilling to go to the city often as ever this winder, never without you. I am sewing as fast as the childrens' and my own health will allow, but don't suppose I can finish all before I leave, in which case Aunt Mary will have to take what is left.
As for Christmas, I have $2.00 and don't know whether to spend it or give it to my washwoman. So it goes and I fear you are quite as bare of funds. It seems the taxes ought to have been paid by yesterday, but Uncle says any time this week will do. How other matters stand you will find out from Uncle's note. It has become so dark that I shall wait till after the little ones are in bed before I write more.
Evening - I have read to the children and all three are asleep. Now if you were only here! - I hope your blue fit has run its course by this time. Mary congratulates herself that she was not with you to get the benefit of it. She has just completed a group of lillies arranged on a mirror which she wishes to exhibit in *Payne's* window and sell if possible. Her class at the Seminar is small but she hopes to increase it after the Holidays. Says give you her "bestest" love. - Will leaves for his regiment on Tuesday, and we have been trying to get up a box for Howard, which Will is going to take to Memphis and try to forward from there. I very much fear it will not reach him, but we send it any how to take its chance.
Mrs. Brady does not start till tomorrow night for which I am glad, as it has been sleeting all day, and the walking is dangerous. Did I tell you that Katie broke out with the measles last Thursday? The poor child wanted to go to the Sunday school Christmas party, but they promised her a tree at home if she will stay to which the little thing has agreed. I hope I can contribute to the tree, but will probably have to borrow if I do, it is however a bad time to borrow. - Lib thought Bessie was breaking out today, and some of the others showed signs also.
This letter will probably reach you on Christmas Eve, and have to carry our wishes of a 'Merry Christmas', Let it be merry Dearest but sober also. - And as for that 'upper lip', I hope you are not again breaking the promise you made me, nothing hurts me more, than to find you careless of your promises to me. - Oh, may another year find us united and happy in our own little home. Father and Mother and four bright little faces around them with other dear friends dropping in to be glad with *them*, and a whole nation be at peace!
I was much amused with the grocer Potter the other day. I asked him for eggs "No I have no eggs" he replied, then suddenly recognising me, he held out his hand and said "Mrs. Bruen! I didn't know you; yes'm I have a few eggs that I can let you have", and he bustled around at a great rate till all my wants were supplied, talking busily all the time about you and the war, said if he hadn't been situated just as he was he would have gone with you when you asked him as commissary.
Now Goodnight dear, dear Husband, and many kisses, which I wish I could give myself.
# Monday - The news from Washington is not very cheering this morning, and I fear there are but few grown people that will enjoy their Christmas this year; but hope the little people may not feel the dark cloud hanging over our country. Perhaps this is the dark cloud, just before the dawn of day. God grant it! Dear Husband keep up your spirits, it makes me sad to see a strong man unhappy. I wish I could be with you, but if you cannot spend the money to take me back, say so, I shall not think hardly of it but think of it as one of the *stern* necessities of these troublesome times. Perhaps you might be allowed to visit us instead, either this spring after the birth of your baby. Remember I do not suggest #
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December 21, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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