Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-30

[1] Dayton, Dec. 30th. 1862
Dear Luther,
Your Christmas Day letter, came this morning, and I hasten to answer it, more especially as I can relieve your mind about the taxes. Uncle John brought me in the remainder of $93.00 (some cents I believe also) after paying the taxes. My part amounted to $51.10. This came from the north, and instead of $50.00 due, there were about $200.00.
I wish to repay Eliza her $10.00, and then shoe or boot us nearly all; get some plain sewing done and some "baby fixins." Then I am ready to return to my "Lord and Master" as soon as he wants me! When will that be pray? Or, does he want me at all? Come, fair and square, answer my questions.
Robby has a cold now, but I suppose he will be better soon. The weather is miserable but that will undoubtedly change soon. As for me, persons still remark upon my altered appearance, but I cannot expect to be good looking for six or eight months to come at any rate; then with a dear little baby and happy brothers and sisters, and above all your own dear self, I intend to be just as good looking as a happy wife and mother may be, on a moderate share of beauty. Is not that sufficient for you? I am stronger than I was, and do not expect to be any better now, so if I come at all think the sooner I am off the better.
As for your plan of meeting me at Buffalo, I think the expense will be too great and you had better come only to Albany. Also you had better fix the time for my coming, with this proviso, I wish to start from here in the daytime. Mary left here a little before 12 A.M. and reached New York at nine o'clock P.M. the next day, or rather the train in which she left here, did; she stopt in Columbus one day. According to the Winter arrangement, the cars start from here at ten minutes past 10 A.M. so that they would arrive in New York about an hour and a half earlier. Suppose I go all the way along and arrive in the city too late to go to Fort Hamilton, what must I do with my trunk, and at what House should I stop over night? Don't forget to answer these questions in your next; please read over the letter before answering, as you sometimes forget to answer my questions for want of it.
Will you be obliged to pay Jim Smith immediately? and, do you wish us to bring any of your books to Mother's? Uncle John always says "let things alone there's no danger," but what do you wish done?
Poor Judge Hart telegraphed Mr. Phillips yesterday that "Pet" *had* died in the morning. He begged Mrs. P. or Mrs. Young to come to his wife as she was nearly distracted. I do not know what ailed Pet, but suppose, some disease contracted in the hospitals, as it is said that she made an excellent nurse in them and was much beloved. I suspect that she was an excellent girl, and will be sincerely mourned for by many schoolmates here as well as older friends. Frank has been amusing himself for several days, with placing a string of blocks on the floor for a train of cars, sometimes four or five feet long. On these he placed some tin and wooden soldiers, and then after imitating the whistle, pushed the train along. It was quite ingeniously done, and Grandpa was quite pleased and interested; 2 he thought however that some way must be devised to enable him to pull instead of push, so he took the little hard blocks and bored holes through each end and tied the whole train together, which quite delights the queer little man. Sella is not yet going to school, it is vacation, and besides I wish her to be quite strong first. She has said several times lately, that she believed she would rather go back and see you; I told her I could not take her, and I don't think she will be at all unhappy about it. Rob says, "I am going to say 'how do' when I do to Fort Hamilton." Who to? I asked, "Captain Putnam," he answered very promptly. -- I wish you could see all three around Mary at the piano almost every evening.
The Battle Hymn of the Republic, (air, John Brown) is the favorite, Sella sings the air with Mary and the little boys join in the chorus; the "gowy gowy" part as Rob calls it. -- Late and I am tired and sleepy, so Good night.
Wednesday Morn.
Just through with breakfast, all well, and intending to prepare for Old Uncle and Auntie's although I fear Aunt Lib will be afraid of the snow, of which there was a heavy fall yesterday.
The weather has been so bad lately that I have not seen Eliza since last Wednesday. When I made my calls I went to Mr. Brady's but the girls were out and I only saw Kitty; she said they had had no letter from her Mother, and I don't know when she will return.
Happy New Year, Dearest; and a speedy return to our own home; I cannot give that up, but you steadily ignore every thing I write on that subject.
Love and kisses from all to Papa.
Yours ever,
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December 30, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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