Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-22

Dayton O. July 22nd 1863 Dear Husband, I am sitting on our upper porch; the vines have grown, covering the front balustrade; and Father has put up Howard's old tent, so as to shield us from view, on the south side, leaving air holes at each end of that side. So I have a pleasant airy room from which to write to you. - Your letter came promptly this afternoon; a good long one and very satisfactory, with the exception of your health: the sprain must have been a bad one, to keep you confined so long. I hope you have had enough company and books to help you bear it pleasantly I heard the report that Gen. Brown was relieved, and today it is announced that he is retired, so I hope all difficulties with him are at an end. - I hope no doubt that he did well in quelling the Mob and remarked at the time, that he was exactly suited for such an emergency. Remember me to Capt. Putnam and offer my congratulations on his success I was proud of our Twelfth when I read an account of the performance of Captains and men. Is Mr. *McElrath* keeping Bachelor's Hall or how are you and he managing? Is Mrs. *McElrath* at home or visiting? Ask her husband how I shall direct a letter or note to her if she is absent. I don't believe Baby Mary will allow me to do much writing, but I must try to write to her sometimes. I should like to know just how you are living before I write to her. You will hear of the capture of most of Morgan's command, through the papers. Basil Duke also, but Morgan himself sneaked off dishonorably; it is to be hoped he will yet be caught. Emily Price was here day before yesterday, she is probably on her way to California. *Nettie* and her husband are here on a visit, and if Emily does not take charge of some widower's children in the East, she will go home with *Nettie*. She prefers doing so, to taking the children. Mother, Father and I indulged in a laugh when I read your advice about giving free rein to the boys; as they are inclined to take it themselves. Yesterday I was obliged to interfere and keep them on the porch all afternoon, for throwing dirt into the tubs of clothes; this not being the first time. Then when Frank spit on his aunt as she came in (that too being an old offence) I concluded it would be best to put him in bed. As for keeping them clean, I hardly try to do it any more. In the evening they are presentable a short time. Sella will have to help me dress them or they will fare badly. Gen. Mc. Cook's Father was killed in the fight with Morgan last Sunday. - The General, I hear, has command of a reserve corps at Nashville and *Kate* received a pass from Rosencranz, so she has gone to her husband. She and Harriet Green were here a few nights since. - Evening - Uncle J. says that old Major McCook heard that the murderer of his son Robert was among Morgan's band and went on that account; I hope not, for although the poor man had the greatest provocation, I yet cannot bear to think of the hatred that must have been in his heart. We have sent off a box to Howard this week. There is quite a complimentary notice of him in a letter from one of the Lieutenants to his Father, which is copied in the paper this evening. I will try to get one for you. Uncle John is very sanguine about our Country's prospects, what do you think? Did you see that H.W. Beecher declined preaching or lecturing in England, disclaimed any desire to influence her with regard to American affairs, and indeed entirely indifferent as to her opinions on the subject! The *Adlins* have a cousin visiting them who came with *Fern* the other day to take lessons in Wax flower making; even after the first lesson had begun, Mary made her appearance with this query, "I've got a secessionist down there, what should I do with her?" I advised her to drop the subject and get as many "greenbacks' out of her as possible. She is from Washington I believe, and one of the Vallandigham school. Val sent his wife word to prepare a fine wardrobe as she would receive much attention, also not to have the battered front door, mended. That is needed to excite sympathy in election times no doubt. I am told too that she would get none of the Dayton mantua makers to make her dresses, and had to send to Baltimore to have them made. I don't vouch for the truth of this, and did not hear whether want of time, or too much patriotism to sew on butternut buttons, was the reason they declined. I weighed Baby today and found she had gained nearly two pounds; it seems as if crying did not harm her a great deal. Who will command Ft. Lafayette now? tell me all the changes that will be made in consequence of retiring those officers. Don't use your foot too soon, dearest; I will have to repeat some of your cautions to me about 'making haste slowly.' I am so glad to think that you have the Captain back I did not think of Mr. Mc. E. befriending you and felt sad that you were quite alone. Give my love to Mrs. Burke when you see her, it was kind of her to offer assistance. - Does Emma still take care of your rooms? Tell her that I have *inquir-* #for her welfare; you have of course told her of Mary's birth. Tell her also that the children still speak of her. It is late and it is necessary for me to take time by the forelock, or Miss Mary may cheat me out of enough rest so good night dear good Husband, Thy Augusta PS. - I did tell you that I liked your Monogram very much but it was no doubt in the missing letter. I told you too that *Rinsted* had sent me my "scrip" but it won't be ready for two years.#
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July 22, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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