Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-10-14

#No trunk yet - the merchants complain that on account of the transportation of troops they cannot get their goods; perhaps that is the reason the trunk does not come. - which pantaloons must be saved? They all look badly with the exception of a black pair.#
Dayton O. October 14th.
Oh, how much I have wished for you today dear Husband! You would be so very happy with us at the glorious victory we have gained. Our success has been so complete that we have exceeded ourselves.
The excitement before and since the election has been more intense than I ever knew; our men have worked well, and from 39 counties heard from Brough's majority 49,214 - gain 37,932. On the home vote this is, from the soldiers of course we have not heard. It is possible that we may need their vote to elect our Clerk of the Court but we think not.
I went to spend the day at Uncle Christian's and all the way over we were met by bright faces and greeted with "Brough."
While there a wagon or two went past drawn by two or three mules which were mounted by men clad in coats of mail, carrying broomsticks I believe; a wooden cannon was touched off, and we were made to understand that they were going to Canada after 'Val!
Another wagon came along with several men, one of whom personated *Gillespie*. An auctioneer's bell was rung, and he was offering the town for sale; bowing on all sides as he went on, and bearing the inscription "I'm sold" on his hat.
I don't know that I sent you the paper in which the story was told of him which has been turned so ridiculously against him.
He was at Troy I believe, and became so angry at some Brough boys that he told them that if he had them in his town they should be arrested; whereupon one of them called out to his companion that here was a man who owned a town! He will never hear the last of that. Then he headed the Copperhead procession bowing right and left in the most ridiculous manner.
Cincinnati has given several thousand majority for Brough.
I heard of no trouble yesterday, excepting one between *Leas* a policeman and Field, *Larry* and *Ally* *Housman*. They got into a dispute - the policeman declared the soldier's vote was worth nothing, the other two jumped out of their buggy and left it standing in the street, *Leas* fired and Field fired, Field tripped and fell, every one supposed he was killed; Ally then fired several times and the policeman ran off as fast as possible. Some of the military took charge of Field and then made Gillespie take charge of the policeman.
Thursday night. - I felt too much fatigued to finish last night, dear Luther, and am very much so tonight, besides being exceedingly anxious about you, for we have an 'extra' this evening telling of a battle near Bull Run field and it says that "Sykes'" corps was engaged. I shall not feel easy till I hear from you again; and trust that a letter may be on its way today for me.
I went to make calls this afternoon, and heard nothing of the war near till I made my last call, at Stafford Young's; he only spoke of the 2nd. Corps as having been in it. Mr. *Y.* was sick with ulcerated sore throat, he said as I went out, that you had been longer away than anyone and he would like to see you again and to give his best respects to you when I wrote. At Mr. Craighead's I met Mrs. Hankin's who gave me a cordial invitation to call upon her.
There is to be a great jollification tomorrow night, and the children are much excited about it; I should enjoy it extremely if I knew you were safe.
- I believe Howard sent you a paper this morning, containing election news. Our elections seem favorable in all the states heard from Oh may this be the beginning of a succession of victories, and our beloved ones be released and sent #to their firesides once more! Good night and goodbye dearest One.
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October 14, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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