Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-03-29

Dear Luther, We were rich in letters today. One from Howard, two for me from you and one for each of the children. Robby waited for his till I read Frank's, then enjoyed his own, but doubted my having read it all; he and his Grandfather had quite a discussion about the matter. *Sella's* letter was as good, perhaps, better than the preceding one; and produced the same grave face, and some good resolutions. I sometimes think it might have been better if we had kept her away from outdoor influences till she was still older and had her principles more strongly fixed. A word from a schoolmate is often enough to turn her away from obedience to my wishes. I have a "horror" of having her running wild about the streets and in the stores being saucy to the clerks as some of the girls in every school will do. I have accordingly forbidden Main Street, indeed every street but those that take her directly to and from school, excepting by especial permission from me, still I find that she is led to disobey the order, by promise of a piece of candy or other dainty, or sometimes it is to call for some schoolmate. I give her as much candy fruit-cakes as I think she ought to have, or I to buy, but it does not suffice. So Aunt Ann said today, very few persons would take the responsibility upon themselves if they knew beforehand what it was to bring up a family. I don't believe I would dare to again, knowing all I now do. It's too late now, there are four little ones here, and we have to do our best -- what is the best? and where is health, strength and purpose. God grant I may not always work in the dark and may not discover the way, when it is too late to do any good! I don't think Sella will finish her letter to you very soon as she has a job on hand, which has to be done a week from today for my birthday, else she will have no present for me. She is crocheting a washrag, (as she couldn't keep from telling me) her first defect is that she begins many things, but does not finish them; so I have told her that I cannot accept of anything but that. As she has already idled much time away she will have to be industrious henceforth to accomplish the work. The signs are better today so I hope to tell you she has conquered and the washrag is mine. I have not seen Uncle John since Sunday. I was there twice today but he was not at home either time; neither have I heard anything from him. #I have got the Spring cold with cough that seizes upon me as regularly as does your Hay fever upon you. Consequently don't feel very good.# Mother said today that she had never been acquainted with Mr. *Stanton*, but if she had been as great a favorite with him as her sister Ann *Howard* was, she might possibly do you some service. She was told that Mr. S. was nearly crazy at her death! You have doubtless heard us speak of the youngest sister who died with Cholera in 1833. She seems to have been a general favorite. Don't fix your heart on this thing, Dearest. You are doing so more than you think, and I cannot bear to think of your being disappointed, and I too far away to comfort you. If I am to be left alone this Fall, it does seem as if you must resign by that time. I do not feel able to take care of the family without you. The twenty dollars came safely. Six cents postage charged on the four letters together, the envelope on Sella's letter was perhaps unnecessary. #*Again* note due March 31st. Insurance paid. Fence not yet paid for. I don't know exactly what it will be. I have been using the money Mr. *Mimmick* sent for insurance and will for the fence. Mary says she will tell you who "he," the man *'pump' carries proudest* is! Like to see her do it! Mother said "always send my love to Luther or, rather when it won't be obtrusive"!!! Your letters arrive generally in five days time; once or twice in three. Your postmark made no difference that I remember. Sella and Frank went to be bed resolving upon trying hard to get good marks for every thing. I'll try to help them. Good night Dearest and Best One Augusta#
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March 29, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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