Letter from Luther Bruen, Washington, DC to Augusta Bruen, 1861-03-10

Washington March 10 1861
My dear wife:
Although this is Sunday, office seeking & button-holeing and boreing go on without cessation. The crowd here diminished very greatly and the rush to this city has almost ceased. Yet it is difficult to get any thing done. If Mr. Schenck were here I could get the appointment made this week, because he has access to the President's ear, and I think I can bring some influence to bear on the P. M. General which would conclude the matter, Mr. S promised to write to the President at his request, but whether he did so or not I am unable to say. I shall try to see the P.M. Gen. to-day. I was introduced to him yesterday by Mr. *Masin* of Mass. but he was too much occupied to talk upon the subject then.
If I get to see Mr. Blain to-day, I shall probably have an opportunity of talking with him upon the subject and perhaps may be able to accomplish something. If things appear as I think they will, I shall try to bring matters to a head to-morrow. But I don't dare to hope that I shall be able to effect any thing so soon. Perhaps I may have something further to say on the subject before I close my letter.
I took my *dugrieveotyper* to let Mr Wright see them, yesterday and called last night to get them but did not find them in. I must go again to-day as they intend going home this afternoon.
Gen Schouler is here. We have been very much together and he is doing what he can to help me. He is a candidate for Consul at London and I am very anxious to have him succeed.
I expect to leave the Avenue House to-day or to-morrow to go into furnished rooms with Gen Clark of Vermont a very clever gentleman whose acquaintance I made in 1852.
A sweet story was told me to-day about Crafts. They say he went around among the friends of his father, such after he had been appointed a member of the Peace Conference and Represented him to be very poor! said he had no money of his own to advance; and in this way raised about four hundred dollars! You see he has not got over his old ways if he did tender me the olive branch!
I failed in my manuever today, but I shall make a dead set at it to-morroow with better luck I hope.
I am getting very tired of this business and long to be with my wife and little ones again. I hope I will be able to leave this week. If we get the office, I shall go home by New York or rather go to that City and then back to Philadelphia & home. In any event I shall come home by the way of Phila, as I have never been there and may not be again for a long time._ I wish John Howard would write what are the prospects for the Spring election. If I am likely to be beaten, I must hurry home to do some work.
Give my love to all my friends and kiss them all around. I hope next Sunday will see the home.
Goodbye dearest
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March 10, 1861
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Washington, DC
4 pages; + envelope
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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