Letter from Luther Bruen, Washington, DC to Augusta Bruen, 1861-03-13

Washington March 13
My dear Wife:
Yours of the 7th reached me this morning and proved the great feature of the day, as I am sick and tired of Washington and don't seem to make any progress with my business. The fact is, Mr Schenck has entire control of it, and what he says will be done.
I hoped to get Tom Corwin & Cartter of Ohio to go with me to the P. M. Genrl_ to ask him to recommend Mr Forrer. I got Cartter to call on Tom to make the arrangement and was greatly surprised to hear that he had declined because Mr Schenck in an interview with the President had changed front and gone for Comly. I thought he was mistaken for Mr S. had told me very explicitly that his personal preference was Mr Forrer. I went to see Mr. Corwin & talked the matter over with him, until he began to think he must be mistaken.
I am not certain that Schenck has indicated his choices so strongly to the President as to insure Mr F.'s appointment; because some doubt as to who will get it. If we get it we shall owe it to Mr S: if we don't it will be owing to the fact that he did not press Mr F. as strongly as we expected him to do.
I got John Howard's letter to-day. I am not sure that it would not be better to have an elective if we are sure to win. Otherwise it will prove embarrassing. Will you ask him to write about that *Marter* Commission Sale which is set for the 23rd. If it cannot be postponed I will come home in time to attend to it. I think I shall come home pretty soon any way for it seems like spending money for nothing to remain here.
Tom Corwin is said to have been appointed Minister to Mexico and Cassius M. Clay to Madrid.
I do not feel in very good spirits this evening and so will put and end to this letter very summarily.
Have you received my letter containing one to Sella? I wrote one to her and one to Frank both of which you ought to receive by to-morrow at furthest.
Give every body my love & tell John Howard to take good care of the Salicitor Ship.
I hope I shall see you in a week or ten days at furthest_ I can't stay any longer until Mr F. should get the P O.
Goodbye darling,
thine, as ever
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March 13, 1861
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Washington, DC
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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