Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1861-08-11

Fort Hamilton
August 11th 1861
My dear Wife:
Yours of the 7th reached me last night. I will answer Friend Bell today. I will attend also to Ricky *Thill*, myself. _ I am not prepared today to give you as specific directions in relation to the route you ought to take, as I wish. Tomorrow or Tuesday I will write to you, and I do not wish you to start until you hear from me again, or I may possibly come home & settle up my affairs, so that I can leave without *loss* or inconvenience. I can get a longer leave of absence now than I may be able to when my buttalion is recruited, and I am disposed to take advantage of it. If I get leave I shall *hardly* be able to get away before Wednesday, but I will send a letter in advance of me twelve or twenty four if it is possible.
I have had a visit this afternoon from Jonathan Hankman & E. F. Drake (of Xenia). I made myself as agreeable as I could, forgetting some old grudges I have against each, as it was proper I should under the circumstances. I think it highly probable that Jonathan voted against me last Spring, but if he feels any better for having done so, let him enjoy it to the full.
I went to the city yesterday to see Gov. Chase, but was not successful. He was closeted with the financial gentry. I wished to see him especially to get him interested in the son of one of my new made military friends, but as he would not have been able, in all probability to assist him, perhaps it is just as well that I did not see him. In fact, I began to feel before I was fully embarked in the business, that I had suffered my good nature to put me in a position that might eventually prove embarassing. _ It has been oppresively warm today, warmer a good deal than any day we have had before. We still managed to get along very comfortably.
You may have noticed in the telegrams an announcement of the arrest of our John Williams at Boston. The young gentleman arrived here this morning and was duly confined in our *alaboore* where he will have ample opportunity to meditate upon the error of his secessie ways. He holds a commission in the secession and was at the Bull Run fight, very likely, yet he had the effrontery to visit Washington & go to the Presidents Levee. Wasn't he imprudent? Tyler who was arrested at Cinti will probably be send to the place also. We have a fine nest of traitors here now and will probably make numerous additions to it as the days roll on.
This letter will be briefer than any I have sent you lately. I trust however the information it conveys will more than make up for its brevity. _ Love to all friends.
Faithfully thine,
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August 11, 1861
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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