Letter from Luther Bruen, [Fort Hamilton, NY] to Augusta Bruen, 1862-12-18

Dec. 18. 1862
Dear Augusta:
It is now very near fifteen o'clock, but as I am not sleepy I propose to scribble till I am. This is the marriage anniversary of Capt. Lay, and I have spent the evening with them, that is till one o'clock. Mrs. McE. was there, her husband and Piper. We talked, ate hickory nuts, drank cider and played cards until the hour aforesaid. When we adjourned, Lay and Piper came into my quarters where we smoked and talked till a short time since. The Capt. says he wakened his wife this morning very early, by a kiss, and asked her if she knew what day it was; and that there was no sleep after he had told her that they had been married just one year. I should suppose not!
2) My eyelids went down too often for me to continue, so with the last word on the other page I went to bed. We have a new stove in our bed-room, which I hope you will have more confidence in (as to its pipe) than you had in the old one. The first thing I heard this morning was E. growling at the smoke and when I opened my eyes I found the room pretty full. I suppose the wind was from the East. --
I have just put up a copy of St. Theodore's Prayer, which I shall send by mail to Mother. I hope she will enjoy my Xmas present.
20th. Somehow this letter doesn't progress as it should, but I will try to finish before the bag comes for the letters so it can leave NY on *Sun-* Sunday night and reach you before Wednesday. Yours of the 17th has just reached me, but as I have one or two on the way to you I do not feel so much concerned. I am very glad to hear that the children are getting along so well. I hope none of them will suffer from the after effects of the disease, as I know how much care you take of our dear little ones, I am very easy on that *score*._ I gave you all the instructions I thought necessary in reference to the Xmas presents in one of my letters, which I hope will prove satisfactory to you. I don't know what my taxes are but $85 ought to more than pay them. -- I got a letter from *Jerry* yesterday. He seems to think you ought not to come back again in your present condition. If the weather continues as cold as it is *lately*, I think it would be better for you to stay in D. myself. At any rate, I don't want you to *hurry coming*, but to have *as such* which will benefit you. So far you have had nothing but *visiting* to do, when you get through with that, have a good time for two or three weeks and then come on if the weather is good and you think you can bear the fatigue of two such long journeys. You know I should be very glad to have you here, but not if the coming and going are likely to be injurious. -- I enclose Col. B.'s picture for Mary with his autograph on the *back*. I have one for myself The group did not prove to be good after all. Those in the back ground were excellent, but the Col. Capt. P. and myself who were sitting were very poor. I did not buy any. I send Mary a couple of souvenirs of the Fort. She will have to borrow somebody's stereoscope to get a satisfactory view of them. I also send a couple of pictures: one for Priscilla and one for Eliza, which you will please deliver. The other day Col. B. had a prisoner to release from *V* L.F. if he would take the oath. Lt. Mimmack asked him if he was willing to take it; he declined, but said his nigger would! He didn't get out. Hope he never will. The other day I saw on Broadway a novelty that would make Sella's eyes sparkle and I would buy one for her, if I could send it without it costing so much. It is a walking doll. I suppose they cost $5 perhaps $10. I would pay the former price to please her but it would cost a couple more to get it to her. It would be quite a wow among the little girls, but would probably be broken very soon. -- I shall try to write to Howard on Sunday. I have wanted to for a long time, but didn't know where to direct my letter and have waited until I did. #I went the other day to see Church's new Niagara picture, painted in five hours and half, price $5000!! (Let Mary think of that) It is a splendid picture, representing the portion of the Horseshoe falls, nearest the American shore. View from the river just below. It is about as good as a picture can be. There was a mirror hanging in front of the picture and it appeared to greater advantage than on direct view. I hope you will have a chance to see it someday. -- I have an invitation to spend Xmas in Hartford which I would like to accept, if I didn't have to ask Old. B. for permission to go. I think I'll get Coates to ask him, sometime, and then I think I won't, because I know the old cur would refuse me if he had the slightest pretense for it. So I guess I won't, but will devour my solitary Xmas turkey alone. The bag has come for this letter so I'll have to close and bid you good bye. Love to all and many kisses to the bairns from their father and your L.B.B.#
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December 18, 1862
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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