Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1862-12-25

Fort Hamilton Xmas 62
My dear Wife:
I dont when I have spent a more dull and mopy Xmas. I got my dinner at Mrs *Marks's* being invited by Capt. Putnam. There were but three at the table, no 3 being *Lt Kineman*. The dinner was pretty fair, only the turkey had a slight gamesome flavor that you would not have enjoyed. The rest of the day I spent at home, reading and trying to sleep. Capt Wilkinson has been giving us a deal of trouble lately, being outrageously drunk the greater part of the time. Gen Brown put him in close arrest this morning and Lt McElrath has preferred charges against him for being about fort yesterday, beastly drunk. After he was put in close arrest this morning he went up to call on the Gen. The orderly told him the Gen was in the library & to walk in; but the Capt declared with a thundering oath that he would not go in till he was properly announced. Whereupon the Gen. came to the door and learning who it was exclaimed Go down! Go down sir go down; and if I see you out side the fort again I will put you in irons!
What a *wrathy* creature he was when he came back to the fort! The next thing I expect to see, will be a sentry pacing before his door with a musket on his shoulder. ~ The Twelfth Inf is having a hard time. Three officers in arrest here; and poor *Booter* under arrest for running away from his company at Fredericksburg! Capt. Dallas has called for a Court of Inquiry to investigate certain derogatory charges made by some body against him on that occasion. *Booter*, it is said, left his company at Fredericksburg and crossed the river without permission; it is said he will undoubtedly be cashiered. Lt Campbell has been compelled to resign under a *threat* of being court-martialed for incompetency in case he did not. I shall look after him and Capt Anderson some what. Maj. Smith left Phila. a week ago to-day to join the regiment. As we have received no notice that he has formed, the presumption is, that he got something else to do at Washington and has remained there. We shall probably know something more of his movements in a few days. _ I have just made a Xmas call on Mrs Lay, the only one I have made to-day. She keeps at her wax flowers very industriously. The presents were all shown of course. She has received a box of paints, brushes &c with a small earthenware *easel* which she seems to prize very highly. Her own presents were mainly wax flowers of which she has made a good many. She goes to Washington on Tuesday. She professes not to want to leave *Dien*, but I guess she is keen to spend a few weeks there this winter notwithstanding. She does not go for fashion or society of course not, oh no! _Tell John Howard to pay my taxes, if he doesn't get any of the money coming to me and I will send him a check for the amt, the day I receive notice that he has paid it. _ I hope you will not think of coming until the children get well, nor then if you think you are not able to stand the fatigue of the journey. I want you to be well when you come, and if that cannot be so, I think you would be more contented to have the children with you, even if I were not. There is time enough however to decide the question deliberately. I think I have told you already that I shall try to come as far as Buffalo, to meet you, but this I may be unable to do. Advise with Mother on the subjects and let me know what conclusion you have arrived at as soon as possible If you come I shall want ample notice to make preparations to get away & to send you money. Kiss the dear little ones whom I hope we shall be able to give a merrier Christmas time to another year. Thank John Howard for the trouble I put him to and tell him I have plenty more in reserve! Love and Merry Xmas to all our household. Thine forever L.B.B.
#I shall send you money as soon as I get my pay *number* I hear J.H. has recd enough to pay taxes and supply you. I shall send some soon after the *1st may* any way.#
[Attached Newspaper clipping] Advice to Pianists, Teachers and Learners.--Always insist on having your instrument purely tuned.--Play nothing, as you grow older, which is merely fashionable. Time is precious. One must have a hundred human lives, if he would acquaint himself with all that is good.--Strive to play easy pieces well and beautifully; it is better than to render harder pieces only indifferently well.--You should sedulously practice scales and other finger exercises. But there are many persons who imagine they have accomplished everything, when they have spent many hours each day for years in mere mechanical exercise. It is about as if one should busy himself daily with repeating the A-B-C as fast as possible, and always faster and faster. Use your time better.--You must not only be able to play your little pieces with the fingers; you must be able to hum them over without a piano. Sharpen your imagination so that you may fix in your mind not only the melody of a composition, but also the harmony belonging to it--The cultivation of hearing is the most important matter. Take pains early to distinguish tones and keys by the ear. The bell, the window-pane, the cuckoo--ask yourself what tones they each give out.--Never dilly-dally about a piece of music, but attack it briskly; and never play it half through!--Schumann. BARING, BROTHERS & CO., London NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PACKETS. The following Ships, composing the Line of Packets under the Agency of the Subscribers, will sail as follows-- Ships. Captains. From New York. From Liverpool. Constellation, Allen April 11 Aug. 11 Dec. 11 Jan. 26 May 26 Sep. 26 Waterloo Harvey Feb. 11 June 11 Oct. 11 Mar. 26 July 26 Nov. 26 Underwriter Shipley, Jan. 11 May 11 Sept. 11 Feb. 26 June 26 Oct. 26 West Point, Allen Mar. 11 July 11 Fov. 11 Apr. 26 Aug. 26 Dec. 26 These ships are all of the largest class, and are commanded by men of character and experience. Their cabin accommodations are all that can be desired in point of comfort and convenience, and they are furnished with every description of stores of the best kind. Punctuality in the days of sailing will be strictly adhere to. Price of passage to Liverpool $75 " " to New York 80 KERMIT & CAROW, N.Y. A. TAYLOR & CO., Liverpool PACKETS FOR HAVRE. SECOND LINE.--The following ships will leave Havre on the 16th, and New York on the 1st of each mother, as follows:-- New York. Havre. ST. DENIS, *Follanshee* master 1st January 16th February 1st May 16th June. *1st September* 16th October
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December 25, 1862
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages; + newspaper clipping
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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