Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-06-21

No 12. Written just one year before Luther's death. Fort Hamilton June 21, 1863 My Dear Wife, I have been anxious about you ever since I received your last, on Wednesday, I felt more anxious because I wrote you so short and unsatisfactory letter in reply to is, & as you will not hear from me again until this comes to hand, while you may be sick, you may be distressing yourself by imagining that I am sick and need your kind nursing. I shall be be very sorry if my fears have been realized as to you, for I only felt very badly the morning I tried to write. I have had only a little *bloom* trouble which has hardly made me *love* a meal. I did not write, however, because the Old Jigadier Brendle and I have got by the *can* again. He ordered me two or three days since to go on as Officer of the Day and I am now wearing the *sach*. This is contrary to the custom of the service and I think in violation of the regulations. I write him a letter arguing the case, which he returned with an endorsement, affirming his right to order me on I returned it to him with another endorsement and requested that it might be forwarded to Gen Wood. The latter hates the Jigadier like a private and I think will take my side if he has a chance, for he has some trouble with H.B. *lately*. This morning when I went to report I found H.B. with the document before him and a copy of the regulation in his hand. He was as gracious as a bucket of chips. I wrote you about the visit of Gen Wood, but I didn't tell you how he treated the Jigadier. We had had no notice of the visit and no preparation had been made. H.B. learned he was coming and ported down, making his appearance without a button on him. Gen Wood accosted him 'How are you, Colonel?" Where is your uniform? He answered he had just come down from the city and asked whether he should put it on. Oh, never mind said he; and went on calling him Colonel all day. Poor old Col Burke has been on a high old *buck* for three or four days past. Yesterday afternoon he was found sitting on the floor in the with just enough sense and strength to call for his orders. As it was found impossible to get him away without making his condition known to the soldiers he was *loaded* on the cook's bed. As soon as I went on as officer of the day, he came up to and *piteously* asked whether I had any *"sperrits."* I took him in and gave him a drink. He sat down and talked a little while and getting up said, if I had no objection he would take a little more of my *"sperrits"* which he did and went away. He came in an hour or two afterwards and stayed about three quarters of an hour; that time, he took about give drinks. He has had two or three drinks since. I tell you he is *knocking* my poor little bottle of *"sperrits*" into fits. He comes to me because it is Sunday and he can't send his orderly to *Church's* for his usual tipple. He hasn't shaved since Sunday, so you may imagine he is an *interesting* object. What I wrote about Col B. is of course not to go beyond the adult members of the household, for I wouldn't have it known that I write such things about him, nor should I do so if you had never seen or known him. Last Saturday week, *Miss Lay and Fanny* were over here; it was Monday last, when I rode over to Sheepshead bay with Mr *Young*. She was getting up a pic-nic for Thursday. I understood they were *any ion* to see me. I didn't hear anything of the pic-nic until Wednesday evening when *Mrs. Mr. E* spoke to me about it. As it rained on Thursday the *thing* fell tho', but nobody was going from here. *Mrs Mr E.* told me that *Mrs. Lay* and Fanny told her some time ago they were coming over to see her. As she was *indy* one afternoon she met them just outside the village but she contemned her ride to Coney Island! When she was coming back she met them again & they told her they had been to see her. *Cool* business! I called to see the *Van Os* last night Mary has not come yet, but is expected every day. The old woman says Harrison is the most indifferent *lover* she ever saw. The girls have family to beg him to come and see them. She says she believes he was drunk when he *proposed* and that he is trying to get off. Harrison has been promoted to a first lieutenancy. We had a *hole* at our *boarding house* last night a week at which a part of the *artithy* was present. Since people were not there; so there came out an order from the *Gigadier* forbidding them to go out to play at any public or private house without his consent first there into obtained. Of course everybody who expected to go to the *loop* last night was prodigiously *origarted*. Now darling, I have finished my letter budget and must bid you good night, hoping this may find you well and happy. Love and kisses to our dear little ones whom I so much long to see. LBB
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June 21, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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