Letter from Luther Bruen, Headquarters 12th ? S. Inf, Tompkins Square, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-08-23

11th *?* 12th *?* Inf.Tompkins Square New York August 23. 63 My Dear Wife: Tho' I am writing this letter at Fort Hamilton, the above is the place where I hang out at present. I went up night before last, arriving at Camp about 10' o'clock. But as I had heard before starting that my regiment had been ordered down here & would undoubtedly come down in a day or two, I took nothing with me & left my room in charge of Col Edwards & Emma. I have come down to-day to get some clean clothes & shall go back this afternoon. We are encamped in a large square in the *unclear* part of the *unclear*, with three other regiments. We have a fine large fountain before out camp, but the neighborhood is not a very good one. The Germans are on one flank and the Irish on the other & Mack *Evelville* is in the neighborhood but where I don't know. My regiment is in a very bad condition - pretty much used up & have lost much of their discipline. I shall have some work to bring them up again. I went yesterday to see Maj. *Giddrys* who commands our brigade. He is encamped in Washington Square just opposite the Fifth Avenue Hotel. It looks very strange to see the square filled with tents and soldiers. It will cost a goodly sum to put their beautiful squares in holiday condition again. But New York *would dance* & now must pay the piper. I don't think you need worry yourself about me. The probability is now, that my regiment will remain either at Fort Hamilton or some other fort in the vicinity, during the winter. If such should be the case I think I will have but little difficulty in getting a leave which will enable me to spend two or three weeks with you before Spring. My hay fever has come again but it is not to *fever* as it was last year. It will probably be worse before long. Coates is looking very well & has gained about twenty pounds since he went into the field the last time. Most of the other officers appear to have been benefitted by the hardships they have *unclear* this! There is no news. The draft so far has gone on in a perfect quick. I think there will be no trouble before they begin to gather in the *unclear*. Then there may possibly be but I don't apprehend it. I don't see but that I can sleep on the ground as well as anybody. The first night a horse came near getting into the fort hind side foreword & woke me up. But so far that is the only incident which has occurred. The fountain plays all night & *calls* one to sleep like the pattering of a gentle rain & so far it has not been uncomfortably warm at night, tho hot enough in the day time. We are not far from East River which accounts, I suppose for one pleasant night. Our camp tho' several blocks from the river is I understand, all made *unclear*. You must excuse the hasty letter #but I wanted to quiet your *unclear* as soon as possible.# #had I wanted to write from Camp, it might have been two or three days before I could have written to you. Good bye *unclear* Luther #
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August 23, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Tompkins Square, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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