Letter from Luther Bruen, Camp in Tompkins Square, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-08-27

Camp in Tompkins Square New York City August 27, 1863 My Dear Wife: I rec'd your last yesterday afternoon: I also wrote you a short letter and enclosed a check for $200. If it has not been rec'd when this reaches you, inform me of the fact immediately, so that I can have payment stopped at once. *Maj. Pratt* told me to send it "with his regards." You should have no difficulty in getting it cashed. With the proceeds + the script certificate you will have no difficulty in paying my interest + Life Insurance + have some pin money over. - Everything is quiet so far and little apprehension is now felt that any serious trouble will go on out of the enforcement of the Conscription Law. If any should arise, it is not likely that I will be called upon to aid in putting it down, *&* I have but little more than one hundred men in camp, - Four companies being on detached service at several points in the city. We are all in doubt as to what is next to be done with us. So many troops have been collected here that it is next to impossible to resist the inference that some expedition is on foot which will leave here soon after the conscription has been completed, as the necessary arrangements *can* be made. Whether we shall be *sent* along with it? is the question. As to this opinions differ *widely*. It is all guess work however, as nobody knows anything upon which to form an opinion. Some think we shall go to Texas; others to North Carolina + others somewhere else. It will be well not to give too *easy* a belief to any story which the newspapers may contain for they are in the same state of blessed ignorance that we are. - We live very quietly here notwithstanding we are in the heart of a great city. There are a great plenty of visitors in the Park, but we keep them out of our camp as much as possible. The ragged boys + girls who can squeeze through the fence are about as thick as the locusts of Egypt and not very much more agreeable to behave. - I have not mentioned my foot lately, *from* which of course you have inferred that it is doing very well. A friend who was with me when I sprained it, got his shoe maker to come over to Fort Hamilton to measure my foot for a pair of English walking shoes. They come high up on the ankle and are just such as Dr *Randall* advised me to buy. I put these on Friday last; the right shot hurt me for a while but it is all right now + I can walk about without a cane. My ankle however is still weak + required to be *humned* some. My friend who was in the habit of reproaching himself for having caused the accident, comforted himself by presenting the shoes to me. As the price was $9 I was very much obliged of course. He is one of the acquaintances I made at the *Bigelow* House + it was his departure which led to the great explosion. His wife is a very excellent woman and her grown up daughter a very nice person. I have just had a call from Maj. *Giddings* who commands our Brigade. He thinks the 12th will be sent to Fort Hamilton. There is some call that we shall all be sent to Central Park to encamp. This I don't *?* The Common Council have passed a resolution ordering all of us out of the Park, but at present we don't propose to disturb ourselves to comply with the order. If they undertake to put us out, they will have their hands full. The Copperheads are very ugly; but they haven't the power to do any thing. - If it should happen that we are sent to Fort Hamilton, to spend the Winter, you may calculate pretty *certain* on seeing me before we leave. As I think I can manage to get leave for three or four weeks. We must not set our hearts too much on this, or we may be disappointed - I was very sorry to hear of Mother's accident, I hope she has entirely recovered by this time. Give my love to Howard + tell him I'll write as soon as he goes back to Memphis, but please send me his address. #Much love to the dear children + your dearest self. Good bye. Luther.#
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August 27, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Tompkins Square, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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