Letter from Luther Bruen, Albemarle Hotel, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-09-12

Albemarle Hotel Sept 12th 1863 My dear Augusta: I have set down to-night to write you a long letter but fear I shall not be able to accomplish it, for the gas light is so feeble and so far from the paper that I can scarcely see. I don't know how it comes that you have had no letter for so long as I have written regularly until this week. My usual Sunday letter did not get written for what reason I do not exactly remember. On second tho't I am not sure that I did not write on Sunday, -- but I am sure that I did not write on Wednesday. My regiment is scattered so much and there are so many orders, and so much moving around, that I find it difficult to remember the relation of events. I am rejoiced at your good account of Priscilla's health. I hope her improvement will prove a permanent one. You said nothing in your last about *dropsy* -- has that disappeared, or was it only one of the common mistakes of the Doctor? The regular regiments have begun to go back to the Army of the Potomac. How many have gone I do not know -- but several have and another is to leave in the morning. It is not known whether we shall go or not. Gen. *Cauly* has applied to have us remain and Gen. Ayres is very anxious to have us go. Who has the most influence with the Ad. Gen. remains to be seen. As for myself I have no opinion, -- all I know is that if we do go, I shall be disappointed in that visit to you. Neither of us will particularly fancy this change in the programme. -- I got two belts for Robbie and sent them with Sella's book, by Mrs. *Westerman*. I told her you would send for them. The belts are not such as you sent for, but I could not find that kind. These are only an inch wide, but have a nice steel clasp. They seemed pretty to me. -- The canes are still at Fort Hamilton; I shall go down to-morrow or Monday to pack up my things preparatory to a move; if we remain behind, it will be very easy to unpack again. The canes will be sent in the box. "A Talk with My Pupils" did not come in time I think. Emma who lives in the kitchen of the mess room has been looking after my clothes in my absence. She has had the chills and so has every body else almost around Fort Hamilton. -- Did you ever hear that Mrs. McGrath had a miscarriage. Mrs. *Gileton* has been telling such a story. She also said that it was time Harrison and Mary *Stamper* got married if he wanted to save her character. What a foul mouth the old creature has got. I think she talks about every body in just that spirit. She is better appreciated that I supposed by the officers who are most in the habit of visiting her house. I don't believe Franklin intends to marry either of them, for all he has been there so much. I went to Williamson's yesterday and got some Cartes. I had ordered them several weeks ago to be sent me by mail. They never came and I imagined the reason was, W. was away and I had sent no money. I ordered six and got fifteen. They will all come in play, as there is a demand for them among the officers. I have also promised one to three or four of our boarding house set. I enclose one for Quince as you requested. If you wish any more let me know and I will send them if not all gone. -- I didn't see Gen. *Shaw*, at all, not any of the other Dayton merchants except those I have mentioned. Last night I saw Capt. Gebhart who married *Jessie* Wilson. He came on for medical treatment perhaps you know, and says he has very greatly improved. He has been under Dr. Marcy's treatment. From his account Dr. Marcy is making some innovations in the Homeopathic practice, such as giving medicine in much larger doses than we have been accustomed to and always in the form of powders. I shall keep this corner of my letter open a while to insert any definite information as to our movement which may come to hand. -- Sunday Morning. No news yet. I will write as soon as I learn what we are to do. By the way, did you ever get the Gospel of Peace? I sent you a copy and you have never mentioned it. Good by darling. Thine L.B. Bruen
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September 12, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Albemarle Hotel, NY
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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