Letter from Luther Bruen, Culpeper, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1863-09-22

Culpepper Va Sept. 22. 1863 My Dear Wife: We left Alexandria this morning at 8'o'clock & arrived at this place about one. The country between these two places was not as *desolated* as I had been led to anticipate. There was a good many chimneys standing with no houses near them, but the general *unclear* of the country is that of one which has never been highly improved. For twenty miles from Washington the country appeared wild & uncultivated, after that it grows more level and civilized. The scenes by which I am now surrounded are quite new to me. We are encamped on the side of a hill, with several others in the same field and any number of others & batteries in sight. The camp *frightening* on the hill sides, the bugle calls & the music of the bands altogether have an enchanting effect. Last night men bivouacked in Alexandria to-night they will have to do the same thing, or they have no shelter tents. The officers are in the same fix as our baggage has not come in from Culpepper & probably will not before morning. They have no blankets nor great coats & would suffer if they could not go to some of the other regiments close by. I am in as bad a fix as the others, but Capt Franklin has kindly offered me a portion of his tent, so that I shall be comfortable. If however we should be ordered forward in the morning as there is some probability of I should be in a very bad fix as I have nothing with me but my summer clothes that I have on & should suffer much. *Found* this morning I got quite cold when first left Alexandria as we were loaded with *general* cans & were *refund* to the wind. I think however our baggage will come as to night or in the morning & then I shall take care that I am comfortable hereafter so far as clothing is concerned. - We have news this evening that our force *occupies* *Gordonsville* which you will *see* is coincidentally in advance of this point. One satisfaction at this is *alleged* however, by the news we have word to-night from *Rercrons*. *He* shall go forward in a day or two & *they* probably have *a sese* fright. The great battle or battles I suspect will be fought between this place and Richmond. - I have heard nothing from you since Saturday *week*. I hope every day to hear from you darling, but must submit *patiently* to the *delays*. Good bye & fond love to you all. Thine as ever LBB
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September 22, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Culpeper, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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