Letter from Luther Bruen, Camp near Peola Mills, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1863-11-19

Camp Near Peola Mills Nov 19th 1863 My Dear Wife: I wrote you yesterday but as I wish to send you some flowers picked up along our march I have sat down to write again to-day. First I wish to say, what I have thought several times of saying, that I owe a bill to John R. Ackerman, tailor, New York City. I forgot to settle it my self before leaving New York. It is for one pair of pantaloons. Should any accident happen to me, you will see that it is paid. And that is all I owe in New York, or Fort Hamilton. If I have an opportunity of sending him the money, I shall do so & inform you of the fact. Should you have to settle it, Mr *McDaniel* will attend to it for you. Ackerman is on the corner of 9th & B-way. We are still in camp, but expecting an order to move at any moment. We have not come to any conclusion as to the route we shall take when we do move nor the point for which we shall strike. The weather still continues charmingly mild and pleasant, - very much like Indian summer. While it is dry our camp is a pleasant one, but in wet weather it will be terribly muddy, as it is next to impossible to drain it. I hope we shall not be left here all winter, but taken to another camp where we can make our selves more comfortable. We all have *fine* places to our tents so that we can *set* in them very comfortably even on cold days, but we have not taken as much pains as we should have done had we thought we were to stay here all winter. Maj. *Prince* started away this morning on sick leave. His wife is laying at the point of death in New York. This leaves Capt. Kay in command of the regt. The Capt thinks the Major will not come back. Stacey has been ordered into the field. This will interfere with his affair with Miss *Church*, I suppose. Perhaps they have everything satisfactorily arranged, between themselves, but if they have, he won't be very anxious to leave her. I have bought a horse for $175 with the equipment, *thereby* saving about $30 the cost of the saddle & I got Lt Burnett's horse. I applied about a month ago to have him detailed on *secratary* service & are agreed that if he went, I should have his horse. Yesterday, I was to have had an interview with the owner of a horse yesterday & would have bought it had he come. He didn't keep his engagement, however, and in the evening Burnett's order came, then *snabbing* me to consummate my bargain with him & save about $30. I have got a pretty good horse, one that will answer my *purpose* very well, I did not intend to buy a very showy horse. I was obliged to buy a pair of drawers this morning & had to pay $4 for a pair of red flannel over. All three pairs which I *bro't* with me being those which I wore last winter, have given out. Unless I can get one pair patched up I shall have to buy another pair as I cannot possibly get along without them. You need not give yourself any further trouble about them. I am very sorry I did not bring my new ones along, but I thought these would last much better than they have done. I shall keep this open till the mail comes so as to give you the latest news I may have. - Love to our little ones & their uncle & aunt & grandfather & mother. Goodbye dearest, LBB
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November 19, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Peola Mills, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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