Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-01-25

Nokesville Va. Jan. 25th 1864 My Dear Wife: I reached camp yesterday, having been obliged to remain in Washington two days. I arrived there about 11 A.M. on Friday and went down to the train to leave on Saturday, but was not allowed to get on it without a pass from Gen. Martindale. I obtained one without difficulty but was obliged to remain until next day for another train. When I got to Brig. *17 Qer* I learned that Col. Burbank was not likely to return for some time, so that I shall remain in command of the Brigade. He has been put on duty at Columbus or Recruiting Superintendent, I believe. The camp of the 12th has been completed in my absence and the senior Medical Officer of the Corps says he shall speak of it as the best camp in the Corps, in his report. Some of the officers in scouting had found a gun carriage, partly destroyed. It probably belonged to the Battery, five guns of which were captured at Bristow, by Gen. Warren, on our retreat from Culpeper. They brought it into camp and have mounted a Quaker Parrott gun on it, so that it gives our camp quite a formidable look. I saw it on the hill as I was coming along in the train and marveled within myself where it could have come from. The mystery was soon explained when I got into camp. I found the officers all well and everything moving along quite satisfactorily. We expect to remain where we are until work begins again in the Spring. I had a much pleasanter trip than I anticipated, but I was pretty blue I assure you. If you had been with me, you might possibly have coaxed me into resigning, only I should not have been blue if you had been with me. If I could see any certain way of making money enough to keep the pot boiling, I believe I could be induced to give up soldiering even before the war is over, and, moreover, I will say for your satisfaction that I mean to look around and see what can be done. General notions came into my head while the blue fit was on me; perhaps I may be able to make something out of one of them. In the meantime, mums the word and you are not to mention this to any body. While I was writing the band of the 12th struck up, much to my surprise and since we have been making a night of it. Sergeant had just received a barrel of ale and a barrel of good things for Capt. King had just come to hand. So we regaled our guests on ale, pickled oysters and boned turkey. When the band got thro' playing the officers took to singing and kept it up till pretty late. I didn't say anything to you about writing to me because I considered it a matter of course that we would both write as soon as we could. I didn't suppose you would wait to receive a letter from me any more than I should wait to receive one from you. I wrote you a note from Washington on Friday which you should have got before this. There was a ball tonight at Brandy and there is to be one to-morrow night a couple of miles from here. The young ladies are to come from a seminary in the neighborhood, the girls being all locals. (Partial Pages) It occurred to me this morning before I got up that perhaps a want of proper ventilation had something to do with the children's health. There are five of you, a fire and a light in the room all night and much of the day time. If you can do no better, you might open your door and windows several times during the day and just before the children go to bed and before you go yourself. You will soon begin to use the little room which will give a better chance to get fresh air. I've a great mind to keep this letter till Monday or if I send it to-day it will catch up with the one I sent yesterday. There isn't as much satisfaction in getting two letters from the same person, as the giver, because you are always provoked that one should have been delayed till the other overtook it. #I expect to get a company or two of Cavalry and if I do I shall scout around a little and try to catch some gray villains. Love and Kisses to the bairns and thy self from Father and L.B.B.#
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January 25, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages; + undated note
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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