Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-02-05

Nokesville Feby 5th 1864 My Dear Augusta: Yours of the 31st came to hand this morning. I am sorry to hear of the illness of Frank and Mary -- the latter of course was expected to be sick while getting her teeth and undergoing vaccination, but the former ought not to have the chills at this season of the year. What is the cause of his sickness I don't know, but if I were you I should *see* that he *as* nutritious and stimulating a diet as can conveniently be procured. Of course he need not know the difference. Berate him and all the other children, if possible, of the habit of eating between meals and then you can manage Frank's diet. He is so weak and puny that I think a generous diet might possibly prove very beneficial to him. Of course you would not make any *material* change until he is rid of his chills. (Emphasized: Of course you won't forget that my affairs are not to be talked about.) You must not be too sanguine about my movements. I could not leave the army now were I never so willing to get out of it, because I should have no way of making a living. You would soon wish me away again if I *found* myself at home without any employment. I don't think I shall undertake the law again -- it's a starving business at best, and I must make more than a living some how. If I could get the appointment I spoke to you about, I should be able to live quite comfortably and perhaps lay up something. As a considerable portion of my time would be unoccupied, I might perhaps make something outside of the office. If this fails, I have another project in my mind, which includes some of the ideas of the other. The latter, however, would have to be improved until I could leave the army *creditably*. This I could not do with the most active and important campaign of the war, just opening, and while I have the command of a Brigadier General. I do not suppose that I shall be allowed to remain in command of the Brigade, however, when operations are resumed. But I shall be in command of my regiment in spite of all they can do, and that will be a handsome command of itself, though I now have six regts. (6) -- three of them being very small. If should get the staff appointment of which I have spoken to you, it would necessitate my leaving the army and going to Washington. I have not been able to learn anything about the file making the place and do not know whether there even will be such a one as I seek. If I cannot get that I must try for some other place there, tho' I do not consider the prospect for getting it any good. My friends, I am afraid are not the ones to trouble themselves much to get me a soft place. I cannot ask one with a very good face as I have enjoyed a very soft one nearly all the time I have been in the service. Still, if some of them conceived it to be their interest to do something for me, it could readily be accomplished. -- Never mind, it may all come right in the end so let me be patient. We are having pleasant weather and not much to do, except to keep a sharp look-out for guerrillas. #Tell Rob I am much obliged for his letter. If Sella wants to write to me, let her use a pencil as she cannot manage a pen very deftly. Write often even if it must be brief and don't forget to send a paper occasionally. Love to the kinder and the kin. From Your old lover L.# #What do you think of the "Prayer" I enclose#
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February 5, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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