Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-03-18

Nokesville Va March 18th 64 My Dear Wife: I was not exactly certain when I laid down last night whether this morning would find me on the way to Libby or in some other way incapacitated from writing to you. The morning has come however and here I am at my table pleasantly engaged in scribbling a few lines to you about nothing. Last night information came down to me from Head Quarters that the Rebs were massing their cavalry at Hamilton's Crossing, with the supposed intention of making a raid on the railroad. Of course we made every preparation to welcome them with bloody hands to hospitable graves should they attack us, but the night passed away without an alarm and we are smoking our pipes this morning with our accustomed nonchalance. Mr. Nokes has been making us another visit. He said has no rare flower seeds, but those he sent were raised in the public gardens and are fresh and good. He suggested sending you some choice roses, which suggestion I applauded. He also says he will send some choice grape vines. If he does, have some of the earliest ones planted on the south and west sides of the house. Should he send at all he will probably send more than you can use. In that case you can give Mr. Peirce the surplus, since he has found a place where he can grow them profitably. I suppose Mrs. P will not care to divide the roses, as she has all the best varieties now. I received no letter night before last and last night there was no mail at all. Consequently I am anxious to hear from you again to learn how little Bessie is getting along. I trust the poor child is getting well. I send an india-rubber busi-ness card for Robbie's birthday. It is something new and will please him I suppose. I will also send him a quarter if I can get hold of a new clean one. Should I fail to do so you must give him one on my account. Has John Howard collected the Ogden not? It was due some days ago I think, and ought to be paid promptly, or if not, Ogden ought pay 10 per interest untill he pays the note, as I am obliged to pay at that rate to Dr. Jewett. As soon as Dr. J's note is paid, I want to have a settlement with Robert. He promised to pay me for my law books this spring, but I suppose he only meant talk as usual. I wrote you about the military justice bill and how all my expectations in that quarter had been sadly dashed. 'Twas ever thus, from childhood's home" se se se!!! I have already told you I believe that I sent a long letter to Sella on the 12th, which you have probably received within a day or two. I will expatiate on the subject you suggest, in my next, as it will form a very appropriate sequence to my last but I shall try not to be so long winded hereafter. Continue to make suggestions and let me know if I write above her capacity. I do not think I have, and I think there is too great a tendency to write down to children. Let the language be #clear and simple and I think you can write almost anything to them. Love and kisses to you all. Thine as ever, L.B.B.#
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March 18, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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