Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-03-24

Nokesville Va March 24/64 My Dear Wife: I suppose it would be wrong to send the enclosed letter forward without a word to their maternal *parient*, so I have set down to scribble something, what it will be I don't know. This evening brought me no letter, tho I rather expected to get at least one from Washington. Whether the sign is good or bad I am not auger enough to divine, but I hope for the best. I will write as soon as I receive any thing definite or otherwise from head quarters. It would be a streak of very unexpected good luck to succeed in my aspirations, but if what I hear of others having chance, betime, I do not see why I should not have very good ones. Mr. Chase I hope will enlighten me as to the prospect, perhaps give more information than I shall like. -- I sent you a letter yesterday, and received two papers, and a letter, also two papers the day before. In the letter I sent a $20 bill for pickle, which I hope will arrive safe by due course of mail. Gen. Grant is supposed to have gone to the front to-day as a special train went out. If he did not he will probably go to-morrow, so that the work of re-organization will probably commence at once. We are all anxious of course to know what he proposes to do. We shall find that out in due time I suppose, meantime we will be the sport of a thousand vile rumors. Good bye darling L.B.B.
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March 24, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
2 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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