Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1861-09-29

Dayton Sept 29th 1861
Dear Augusta thy good and satisfactory letter was received, but not a minute before it was wanted and anxiously looked for. I am glad thee has met with so many pleasant people, But thee always does. That was quite an eventful day, I mean the one on which Caroline called, and that is the right way to treat such things I am delighted to hear Sella has not forgotten us, we hope she will soon write a letter with her own hand. But where are Frank and Rob? Well and happy I hope, but you say nothing about them, I am sure Sella is going to "come out," very few children would have recognized the flower. she must have a work on Botany, Father misses the Children sadly, as we all do. Since you left I have been much of the time at your house and have every thing arranged so that we can occupy the place together, I think, comfortably. We may feel a little the want of room, but there will not be much trouble about it. John thought a few days ago that he could sell to Joe Clegg, but I have heard nothing of it for some time, I have every thing in train to leave at a minutes warning, and if we do not sell I intend to occupy both houses to make sure of all being cared for, I took thy small pots to the uper porch, and intend to wead and manure the flower beds, to be sure of fine flowers the coming summer. I think dear little Rob will be old enough by that time not to pull them.
Father has started your clock, which was stoped by bringing it up here, and what do you think it says when it strikes, why, Luther Augusta, Sella, Frank, Rob, and, where is Howard!!! That is what the Clock says to me, and this is not all it say by a great deal. it says some sad things, as they are gone, all gone! And some pleasant, as, But they will return, and we will all be so happy
I am obliged to thee for telling me of Howard's health for he told me nothing himself, I do hope he will run about and get well fast, Leurman's Father says he is still miserable, and he was Dr. Webster's *patient* I hope Luther has recovered, It was very kind of him to write so soon to us. Sella's Pilgrim came, Shall I send it to her? There is a very pretty story in it. Mr. Foster paid $7.00 towards the rent There are $13.00 due, which he says he will pay as soon as he can, I paid Lee *hohin* bill but have not paid the Gas bill $2.10 I think they said, Shall I do it?
Darst has moved in, and from present appearances, I think they will not be unpleasant neighbors, I went in yesterday to ask for some white grapes for Mary to paint Mrs. D was kind and told me I might take them, but I found she intended to take them to the fair, and there were so few of them, that I told her I would wait till it is over, In the mean time, *Ppouts* told us of some, and Mary has done them nicely, Did I tell thee that Cassie Thompson called, and that I showed her over thy house? and that she sent much love? Well the other day Carrie Day called too! She was very pleasant asked after thee and the children, was delighted with your Daguerreotypes, seemed to feel great interest in you, Exclaimed over Rob, Said thee did right to go to Luther, Sent a great deal of love, and, I think, in sincerity, She seemed like a long time ago, and as if she had outlived all the "nonsense" I think She is a peace woman from what she said, but when I asked her about it I found she did not know how to fit it up any better than I. She said nothing about Luther, only that she was surprised, at his entering the army, That she supposed his tastes were literary, I told her I thought so too, but the condition of the country had aroused him. Oh yes she said "tell him to keep clear of all the bullets and not kill any body if he can help it"
I have much more to say to you than I can write, and will stop for fear I shall tire you and fill my paper to running over Give love to all.
I hope to hear very particularly from Howard as to his health as well as other things Remember me to Ernestine and say I am glad she is so kind with the children As ever Mother ##Mary says tell A. to send thy blue duck pattern. Ask Howard how he spells useful and how he writes his semicolons, That is which side up. ; [upside down semicolon]
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September 29, 1861
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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