Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Sarah "Sella" Bruen, 1862-02-09

[Grandma Forrer to S.B.W.]
Dayton Feb 9th 1862
My dear Sella I wished to write to you last Sunday but had so bad a headache that I could not, I feel like writing today and more pleasant it is to do so because mamma tells me you are learning to sew and read and that you improve generally. I was sure you would and it is very gratifying to be assured of it. I would like to see your quilt, you must bring it home when you come.
The Peirces have just left, They were all well again and little Elliot grows and tried to talk but cannot quite sound a word. You remember Dr Adams Jewett, and how pleasantly he chats with the little folk where he is called. Well he took little Bessie Peirce on his knee shortly after Christmas and said "Did you have a merry Christmas?" Bessie answered "I dreamed about Christmas" and said Dr "Were your dreams fullfilled? "My stocking was fullfilled" said she, Pretty good, was it not? Tis a beautiful day and Aunt Lib looked well in her new *Cloak* which I made after the pattern your Mamma sent us, Aunt's *Cloak* is is a iron grey cloth, with only trimming on the pleats behind and small buttons on the arm holes. This I write for mamma, and you may also tell her that Koleda came here yesterday and said Earnstine is very sorry that she treated you so badly and wished to go back to you. She will ask pardon of all, and never do so again. I told her she had better write and tell her to come home. She said she had done so, but E. said she only wished to go back to Mrs. Bruen and that it was all her cousin's fault. Koleda told her to go again and ask Mrs B. so I suppose she will.
Dear little Sella we will all want to see you again, and hope it will not be long before your parents will think it right to return. Your must let us know a few hours before you come that we may receive you comfortably. I have planted many pretty flowers in your yard and I intend to take care of them this coming summer, And not plant any at the old place even if we should not sell. Kinny has made no bargain as yet, I believe he still thinks of it.
How do Frank and Robbie? I suppose you do not quarrel, now you are so far from your friends. It would grieve Mamma so much for you to do so and she is so far away from her Mother and needs that you should love her and each other more than ever you did when she was here and would come and see us often. All is very quiet at your house. Nothing goes in the yard from the street for we keep the gate locked. DeGraffs dogs get over the broken fence, but they do no harm so far as I can see. Grandpapa surrounded the ferns with wire and since that there is no more trouble, they cannot get into them.
And how is dolly? I often think of her when I am at your house and I see some article of her clothing. I have put everything of the kind in your drawer where you will find them on your return. I wish I could be with you a few days, and more still do I wish your Aunt Mary would go and see you, We cannot and must try to be *patient*. I wish you would take particular notice of everything in, and about your home, and the Fort, for I know you will wish you had done so in the time to come if you do not now, When you are old as Grandmamma, you will like to tell of the time you lived at Fort Hamilton and what happened there.
Tell Mamma General McD. *Ms. Cook* came here with Sam Davies last week. They had a furlough of forty eight hours only. Many thought he came to marry Kate P. They could not imagine what else could induce him to leave on the eve of an advance and it was reported all over town. He went to Mr P's and staid there most of the time, but there was not wedding that we know of.
Tell Mamma Aunt Lib seemed pleased with her letter, always asks after her, and is still improving slowly. Uncle told me she went out into the dining room and got herself a drink the other day.
I hope you will send the cards as soon as they are taken. It will seem almost like having you home again. And we will, when we can get some money to spare for the purpose. Just now every cent seems to be called for. Our Horse is, they say, very safe, but since the time you will remember, when John frightened us so, I have not felt like driving , I think, though. If this horse keeps his character for safety till you return I shall be tempted to try it again.
Mrs. DeGraff sends love to Mamma and Mannie asks after you all, And Eliza wants to know when you are coming back. I saw Auntie Brady the other day, she was pleased that you all remembered her and talked of her. She said Oh won't I be glad when they all come home!!
I hope you will let Mamma read this letter for I do not think I can write one to her too. And Grand Papa is writing to Frank. You must tell Papa and Robbie that I love them very much but I thought you ought to have the letter this time. Give love to all and *accept*, dear little Sella, of more than I can tell from your Grand Mamma.
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February 9, 1862
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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