Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1862-03-07

Dayton March 7th 1862
My dear Augusta
I have just been to the stores to see about Frank's shirts. I found he Henry had those *purses* thee saw and no *Merriniak* I bought six shirts of a well covered purple, the only piece fit on account of pattern, the others being too light or too large figures. The blankets were rose, 1 1/4 long scant & 3/4 wide also scant 1.25 per pair. They look small to me, that is they look narrow. saw some at James' Pos 1 1/4 long and 1 yd wide, which looked in better proportions $2.00 per pair.
I have not yet bought the molasses for Jere seemed to think it is so pleanty that it would be lower. I think thee said two gallons.
The children are both as well as usual, and anxious to see you all. Frank has been asking us shadow to me in my moving operations and is very much amused and interested. I have been all the week and have done but little yet. It is an immense labor to move. I do not know how those do who move every year. I hope to do so once more, but hope no more after that. Mary's shade came, the largest was broken and a slight crack in one of the others. The barrel head was broken in when it came to hand, and Jere told Mary she ought not to have paid the express charge. Father went to see the Agent and he says he will refund. So there will be no loss, the express charge is equal to the cost of the shade. Mary things now, she would like them better lower, though they are very pretty as they are, and she would only ask them lower for lilles. She is much obliged to thee, and Luther for your kindness in selecting them. She will write soon, but is busy this afternoon in sketching the old parlor. I do not think we shall get moved this week, quite, but perhaps we shall since we must leave, I want it over. I have *died* to the old place two or three times, and thought I had quite given it up, but have been feeling very sad since the sale.
I inquired when James P. will go east, they tell me in a few days so I suppose it will be too early for thee. Col. W. Davies Wife and daughter think of going to Baltimore and perhaps to N.Y. but I fear they will be too early for thee too. I have not seen McDaniels yet, but will try to. Father thinks Luther will find time just to run home with thee and see the children. Something will turn up no doubt, do not distress thyself about it.
What shall I put on they room floor the old mat, or the old carpet?
Father on looking at what we have to move said he did not know where we were to put it all. But I think we can be quite comfortable, and leave thee thy room, Sella's the bathroom & store room. Father and I take the little room joining the dining room. Mary takes the library, It will suit her, with her lessons, better than any other. And I will store many of my things with Betty in the Girl's room. Then the middle cellar is dry and many things can go there, and Father is going to put a shelter below the privy, for wood and coal, temporarily, and we can put many things in the wood house. I put a strong lock on the door, soon after you left, and by securing the windows and poisoning thee rats we can store many things away there. Mrs. De Graff says they will join in making the fence and has already spoken to a man to do her part. How many feet do you claim? Father will attend to it for you, I think now what will be most needed is a cheap shed for summer use, working, and washing. And I think we might put something there which we could use afterwards, at the hill for wood on some other purpose, if you did not need it. Thy letter is out at Lib's but I think I have #answered all thy questions. I would like to see the sofa pillow and the pictures. Mary had a letter from Howard this morning. He is still in *Carmuk* and will send love to all the friends at home and in N.Y. All send love to all
Dear Augusta I wrote my letter late last night for fear I would have the headache this morning and on reading it over it seems but a poor complaining thing, And if I had escaped my headache I would not sent it, But I did not, therefore it must go. Jere from Howards letter the *1st* Battalion has gone. I fear deeply for all concerned Poor Mothers, Wives, and Sisters, all!! And for those who go also, May our Father shelter and guide them. And bring them again Safe and with Honor to their friends. In view of these things, and in the great conflict my own griefs and cares become microscopic.
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March 7, 1862
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
5 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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