Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1862-04-27

Dayton April 27 1862
My dear Augusta
I have not thy last letter by me, having sent it to Elizabeth to read, and therefore do not know if there was anything that required an answer particularly.Elizabeth complained that we did not send all thy letters to her.
I hope thee is settled comfortable before this, in the Fort. but do not expect to hear thee say all is right and just as thee would wish. I have ceased to expect anything of that kind for myself or for my children.
Mary's Braid came to hand and pleases, I am sorry to be so cramped for means as to deny her the pleasures of a visit to N.Y. this summer, but fear I shall be obliged to do so. The legislation has cut down our Salary to $1000, and there are so many calls upon it that I fear. But if any way opens I shall send her. I have wished I had not said anything to Sister Mary about a visit to her, but I have done so and now, when she is in so much trouble I cannot disappoint her.
The weather is very fine and Father and I have had a ride to Jerrie's and a walk over our new lot, and I feel much better for it. I shall be very glad to go out to stay, everything looks so sweet and quiet there. Our new plantation is growing finely. The fruit trees are in bloom and the read Bud, wild cherry, & thorns look beautiful. Mary and Howard have walked out this afternoon.
*Vic.* Klegg was married last thursday evening to Capt. Wood, a son of Luther's friend Dr. Wood of Cincinnati. The Capt. is grandson of old S. Morgan. I do not know whether Mary told thee that *Vic.* made a party last winter, inviting all around us and leaving Mary and I. She had always been invited there since she was small, and every thought was done to gratify the Schencks. In a few days *Vic* called, was very affectionate, kissed me, and was afraid Mary was injuring herself by to much confinement, hoped she would call, &, Mary was polite, but cool And *Vic* went away so self-possessed that she feared she had not been cool enough, She ended by pressing Mary to go with her that evening to call on *Hether Thresher Robert, who was at home on a visit. Mary excused herself, and afterwards when they, that is Mary and *Vic* met, they met as strangers or as persons who barely knew each other. Of course Mary did not expect nor receive an invitation to the wedding which is said to have been a very splendid affair. *Jane* Schenck said, some one, I did not hear who, she talks so fast and indistinctly, entertained Vic by telling her that Mrs. Wood cried all the time she was waiting for the carriage to take her to the wedding, and declared her son should not call the *Cleggs* Father and Mother. I hear they are going to live in Newport Barracks. I do not think Mary was annoyed in the least at receiving no invitation to the wedding. She was surprised and hurt when she was left out of the party, but dropped here without a regret on discovering what a *toady* she was, we should not have *have* looked for anything better from such parents. But, I have taken up too much room for them . I will dismiss them.
Love to the children. Dear little Sella, we would be glad to see her hair too, and Frank's I hope he sometimes to improve, Master Rob. has come to a pretty pass. I fear thee will have trouble to keep him in. I hope it will not be long before we build and I can have you all at the new home. Father and I went to your place a few days ago and Father raked the grass clean and I sweeped the house and all looks clean and sweet there. I removed the *choice* flowers and shrubs, But there are still many there. Enough to make it look well. I have not yet tied the Prairie *Lucen*, but will, the first leisure time I have. The limbs are very long, and I must tie them to the balustrad of the uper porch. The Grape vines too. Those in the yard have grown but little, and have nothing to support them. Do you wish anything to be put to them? If you do not live there yourselves, I suppose it is no matter about it. Did we tell thee that Howard Schenck was wounded in the knee? They gave him Chloroform and extracted a musket ball. Dr. Affleck who went to him wrote he would bring him home on the river, he not being able to bear the motion of the cars. I hope he has arrived there before this. Mary thinks, at best he will have a stiff knee. But she says she has suffered as much on account of his absence. That she can almost reconcile the idea of his being crippled for life if he is only at home. She received a letter from him before his Father arrived, saying he was badly wounded and that the surgeons had made several attempts to extract the ball, but had not succeeded, and that there were so many worse than he, that he was obliged to grin and bear it. I can not leave home for a week or two, but will tell thee when we do go and how long we expect to stay.
Capt. Schenck called with Jane last evening. He has a great deal of interesting matter to commence sale. particularly about China and Japan. He was here not more than an hour. A return call. Father had called on him; Mrs. Schenck requested it and Father was quite willing to do so. Love to all from Mother
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April 27, 1862
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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