Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1863-01-24

Dayton Jan 24th 1863
My dear Augusta,
We were glad to hear of thy safe arrival and that thee got home with so little difficulty. I had feared thee would be much fatigued in the journey. The children are well. Frank has improved ever since thee left. He crept under the table, two or three times, and said he wished Mama had not gone but on speaking to him pleasantly, he came out, and now seldom mentions you. Father bought him a strong pair of boots for $2.00, and I wrap him warm and send him out a while every day.
Sella began school Tuesday. It rained very hard Monday, and I did not wish to send her first on such a wet day. She likes her school, so far, very well. She has a strong pair of shoes, which Mr. Reed thinks will turn water, and I do not feel so uneasy about her going out. She is quite cheerful, and will not, I think, suffer on account of the separation. She and Frank both send love, and say "Tell Mama we want her to come back soon, and Papa, and Robbie too." -- We have had one letter from Howard. He is, or was then at Corinth. He says "we have a new Division commander, named Smith, from Galena Ill. He is said to be a fine officer (Ross is superseded). We are now in the 1st brigade eighth division," of Grant's army. He says nothing of his health, only "I am well" and sends love to all. His account of the fight with Forrest, at Cross Roads is very interesting. He and part of the Regiment were in the fight, *Hunter* was kept behind on Guard, and came up just as it was over. -- Mary wishes to write about the wedding and I will leave room for her. All send love. Father is in Columbus.
Dear Gus-
Mother says Mary wants to write about the "wedding" - I think I hear you say, "What Wedding?" Why - Kate to be sure -- Gen'l McCook arrived last week on a short furlough - and after a great deal of persuading, and finally a little threatening the wedding was brought about this morning at 12 o'clock.
I have understood, Kate told her Father if he would not consent to the wedding, now, that they would go to Dr. Thomas themselves and have the ceremony performed before the Gen'l left. Mr. P. consented on Sunday to the match or rather to the wedding, and they have been a busy household ever since.
I wouldn't have been much surprised if I had been left out. You know there was some hard feeling about the time of your wedding. By the by - Aunt Ann says Mr. P. had a present for you - and was much hurt at not receiving an invitation.
Kate's wedding was called a small one but it amounted to quite a party. About a hundred friends abroad, and the same number here, exclusive of relations. I went with Uncle J.'s family - we arrived in good time, and found the little parlor two thirds full of "shoulder straps. About twelve, we entered the large room - and only waited a few minutes before the wedding party made its appearance. She was unattended by bridesmaids.
They were a handsome couple. I was very favorably impressed with the Gen'l. He is decidedly rough in his conversation, but I can't think anyone with such an open and pleasant countenance can be a mean bad man.
His Father, Mother, sister and his two brothers were there. The Judge was just the man I expected to see from the newspaper accounts.
Kate wore a white-rep silk high neck long sleeves white tulle veil - orange blossoms looked lonely of course. The whole party left at four o'clock for Louisville. Nettie, Louise, Eliza Thompson accompanied her. They will all return Thursday. The wedding created quite a sensation. The street has been filled with large carriages - Express wagons &c. most all day. Kate had some very handsome presents. The Gen'l presented her with a very large diamond ring, the second one he has given her since their engagement. After I left, Mr. P. made a short speech and brought out a bottle of wine presented by Gen'l Schenck on his return from S. America. He brought *six* with him - three for his own daughters and one for Bette, for Nettie and Kate to be opened on their wedding days. The wine was said to have been made in 1776. Mr. P. ended his remarks by calling down a blessing upon Gen'l *M.* and Kate, upon which there was much applauding. Some said Judge McC. said amen. I understand the S. girls don't hesitate to say they hate Gen'l McC. Nuff Sed Good night. Love to Luther - kiss Rob
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January 24, 1863
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages; note from Samuel Forrer added at end
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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