Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1863-02-15

Dayton Feb 15th/63
My dear Augusta
The children received their letter, and were much pleased with it. Sella asked to take it to show Mrs. Gregg, and I saw no objection, so she took it, and said Mrs G. said it was a nice letter. I thought it might induse her to take more care of the child if she saw we were anxious, and careful of her. Sella is a sprightly child, full of spirits, and a little inclined to equivocate, and much to visit, about which faults I have to speak often, and because of some things I have heard of her companions at school, I think best she should not visit any of them till thee returns. She thinks rather hard of this, but I am sure thee will approve when where thee hears my reasons. There is much to love in her, and if she is carefully looked after, I think she will make a fine woman, I feel that I am too much care *worn* to do my duty fully by such a child. She needs one to be constantly on the alert. To day she asked to go to her Uncle John's. I told her Aunt Ann did not like company on Sunday but she might take one of *Witter's* letters, which was here, home, and return directly. She went and did not return till Church time, when she came up with Ann and Eliza. I asked her why she did not return, before them. She hesitated and said Eliza asked her to stay, and "you said" then she hesitated, I suppose she did not wish to say before Ann, that I said she did not wish company on Sunday. So I said I said Aunt Ann did not like company on Sunday. I observed Ann, and Eliza look at her, and she looked embarrassed but I thought it was because she had stayed longer than I told her she might. Afterwards as they went to Church, Ann told Mary that she said I told her she might stay if they asked her. Emma had stayed at home, and as Sella told me she was reading a book and wished to go and finish it with Emma. I, not knowing what she had told them, let her go, When Mary returned from Church, and told me what her Aunt said, I sent her for Sella, I told her that I supposed the child thought my only objection to her stay, was that Ann did not like company on Sunday, and when Mary asked her she thought she might say what she did, as that was the spirit of what I said to her, but I thought I ought not to let it pass without talking seriously to her. I did so on her return, and showed her that she had sunk in the estimation of her Uncle's family by the course she had taken, and I thought she had better explain to her Aunt, how she came to say what she did. Instead of being angry, as I feared she would, she seemed much mortified, and asked me if I would not do it for her. I told her I would go with her to do it. I think she will not do so again. Mary took her and Frank to Uncle's Mr. Corwin's and Mr *Bray* this afternoon, they are all well, and Mr C. goes to Washington tomorrow. Frank runs in the yard, when it is pleasant, and plays all day either in or out of the house. I think, and his Aunts say they think he improved in health. He gives very little trouble and is satisfied without going out. When we take him a walk or ride he is vastly pleased, particularly if we go near the Rail Road.
Saturday and Sunday are tedious to Sella since she goes to school, but as the spring opens, and the weather is fine she can walk out with us and the time will not hang so heavy on her hands. She sometimes seems a little sad and thinks she would like to see you all, and I think is more anxious than Frank, about it. He is happier, much than I supposed he would be, in your absence. Sella reads a great deal, and I fear sometimes she does not read very carefully, but I am, sometimes, astonished at her remarks. This evenings for instance, she came to me and asked me if I thought her Papa would ever be a drunkard. The question startled me for a moment, I said I hoped not why did she ask me. She said she had read of people taking little drinks "just as "Papa does," and after a while they were drunkards." Mary then asked her if she had heard anyone say so. She said "no but I was thinking of it" The little things are both asleep now, weary, no doubt, after their long walk. We try to make them happy in your absence, and I think they are as much so as I could wish children of mine to be in my absence, but they sometimes count the weeks till "Mama comes"
The weather has been bad, and I have not been quite well, but I will try to see about a nurse this week.
Dr Garst has rented his farm, and returned to town to live. He has gone into the land agency business and says he can sell one lot for more than 10000. John told him he might do so if he could. For the meantime He and Jerrie intend to sell it at public sale in March, if it is not sold before that time, and if enough is not bid, they will bid on it themselves. One way or another. I think it will be sold before long. Then, if yours is sold too, we will all have to look for a house, or a boarding place whichever is thought best, till we can get out to the "hill"
Mary wants 4 of those little picture easles which Luther got at his "cheap store" and a pair of corsets of 20 1/2 inches when She mentioned the dress and shades we have not been able to get the *Andresus* water color book, *Lili's* old one. Thee will recollect it if thee should see it she wishes it. She will send a draft for the amount of what you get for her. Remember my tinsel Worsted Green. Tell her the price of the rosebud glasses.
I am and Mary is too. Sorry for Mrs Lay, I suppose it was not unlooked for.
Sally *Samberger* is to be married I believe it is next Tuesday week to Capt Chamlilis, (I do not know whether I have spelled the name right) instructor at West Point. He is Kate says an intimate friend of Major Clitz, and was also wounded before Richmond. lay on the field sometime, and was afterwards taken to Richmond, and exchanged with Major Clitz. Kate said Sally goes to West Point and is going to keep house there. She thinks of going with her to spend some time, but is not quite sure yet. She says that "General said he would rather I would go there than any other place" The little thing seems a little sad at the early separation but is evidently, very much in love with her Husband. I gave her your loves, thine and Luther's. She said Oh remember me to them when you write. There are so many I would like to have invited if there had been time. On leaving, I said, remember me to the Gen, when you write. She said I will, I want you all to love him. I told her we always had thought much of him. She said "You don't know how good he is" I will bring him to see you when he comes again and we said do. I have written a long letter and I fear not a very satisfactory one, but it is just what I think of, and that I have written. The last letter we had from Howard was dated Feb 2nd He was well Love to you all from us all
I sent a letter from *Manie* one from Sella, one from Aunt Mary
Did thee get none of them?
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February 15, 1863
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
9 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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