Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1863-03-01

Dayton March 1st 1863
My dear Augusta, I have just finished a long letter to Howard, in answer to one dated Corinth Miss Feb 16th. He was well then, I hope he will write to you also. I went to Dr. Webster last evening. He was out. I left word with Mrs W as to my bloating, and told her to ask her husband what we should do. Today I went, and he was out, but Mrs. W says he prescribes Aconite. He did not say how often, but I think as it is so poisonous, I would not take more than one dose, on lying down at night. She says she always *trusts*, and did not seem to lay much stress upon it.
The children are both well, and have gone with Betty to see their Aunt Brady. Yesterday I sent them with Betty to see the sea fights, They were very much pleased to see the Monitor attack the Merrimack, they often ask when it will be spring for they think they will be here then. John has not closed the bargain with Kinny yet, because Burnstine and Carroll and Fawler too are anxious to have the lots fronting Steele, We told them if they could find any one willing to like it at our price cut that way they will consent. Kinny does not care which way it is cut, In any event it will be necessary for us to move, and we will take your house. Thee says Luther leaves all to thee and me, I think thee had better find from him his opinion about what will be right for rent, and board too. I know nothing about it. The fence fell down the other day, again, Father went and put in an old post he found there and nailed the boards in. After my letter came, we saw Charley and asked him if they were willing to join us in working the fence. He said his Father would be home in April and they had thought of joining you this spring. Father said he hoped they would. If not, we would have to put up a rough board on to keep dogs and chickens out. He is afraid of Bruno, and said John's dog had nearly killed his hunting dog, and he wanted a good fence on account of Bruno, &c &c. We shall see.
I believe I gave them in my last an account of Frank's birthday, I think he is sorry it only comes once a year. I wish to begin moving as soon as the bargain is closed with Kinny, but do not wish to before. I want to do it at my leisure I do not think I would take much Aconite if I was in my place. Sella and Frank send love and kisses to Papa Momma and Robbie
All send love.
As ever, thy Mother
Dear Augusta
I am sorry you have had so much trouble with my commissions.__ The silk is very pretty and I have no doubt I shall be quite as well pleased if not better with this piece than I would have been with the other.
I would prefer having the French shades, but the price is so much greater that I could not think of going to the expense. __ I am obliged to to Luther for his trouble.
I have just finished, a very large bunch of hyacinth flowers with the green leaves in wax. Mr. Barney, sent me word that he had a very beautiful plant & would like me to copy it in wax for him. My friends think it quite a success.
If it is entirely convenient, I wish you or Luther would enquire the price of hyacinths of wax, at Tiffany's. I saw some there last fall. Please see if the shade and a stand are included in the price. __ My flower is a white one. It is growing dark & I must stop #Love to Luther & kiss Robbie. __ My love to Mrs. *Hines* & all, Mrs Lay & ** Remember me to *Cinne* Good bye your ** Mary.
Did you receive the check for $40.00? My flowers has 20 bells & the plant has six green leaves - flowers single.#
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March 1, 1863
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages; note from Samuel Forrer added at end
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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