Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1863-04-05

Dayton April 5th 1863
My dear Augusta, I have just returned from Jere's, where Husband took the children and me this morning. E. has another bad boil which confines her to bed, I feel uneasy about her, and wish she could leave house a while. Go to the sea shore, and have a little recreation, I thinks he needs it. She says she would like to if she could go without the worry of preparation, and if she could feel safe about the children, I told her I could do both for her. But she needs to be urged. She likes the lightest piece of Aberdeen *Heinsy*, but thinks the price too much for her to give. I think it beautiful, for my own wear would like the heavy price, but would like it mixed as the other is, I think the spots do not show so quick as on the plain, Mary likes the mixed piece, and will tell me if she wishes me to get it for her. She, with the children, Henrietta & Edward, and Betty have gone to the Roman Catholic Church this afternoon, to hear the Pastor Anthem, Get me whichever of the skirts thee thinks strongest, and most suitable for me, I want some of the pads for Mary and me. We may get the "patent ventilating spring" on the Wholebone, whichever thee thinks best on examination. Also "Ladies Suspenders," what are dress shields? Are they desirable? if so get some for us On the inside of the cover of the Spring no. of the Demerests fashion book, on the last *column* of said cover, second page. See the advertisement of three things, I see bustles and skirt supporters, are they suspenders? That is the skirt supporters, and are bustles warm? I ask these things more on Mary's account than my own. I think her dress hangs too heavy about her, and I would like to get something to releave her hips of the weight. She is very much engaged with her lessons, and is not looking so well as usual. I wish to aid her in every way I can, I want the *Taliner* pattern & the Central Park Jacket too. I am glad thee saw Churches picture. I wish we here could see it too, while on the beautiful I will just say, bring thy globe for gold fish, it comes nearer an aquarium than anything I can think of, and they are quite the fashion with some of our friends.
We are beginning to feel like living now. The things are all put in place or packed away, and my room is arranged and all ready for thee. Sella's head is scant 21 inches, Frank's nearly as large full 20 inches, Sella's foot 8 inches Frank's foot 7 1/4 inches. I was out of money when Sella's school bill of $4.60 came in. I asked John if he had anything of yours. He said he had some which he was going to send to Luther. I told him to let me have $10.00 He sent me $20.00. I shall use as little of it as I can. And pass it over to thee when thee comes.
Mary saw violets in bloom when she was in N.Y. C, says they are the monthly blooming ours do not bloom at that time of the year. If not too much trouble, I would like a root and also one of the Neopolitan single violet. Mary says she thinks Charley Sears may have them, If he is generous with his slips, bring some. Mary wants a pair of corsets, good ones. I believe she has her measure. She has just returned from Mr Carver's. He says he does not expect to go to N.Y. Mrs. Perrine says her Husband expects to go east this week. He will be absent three weeks, and go to Philadelphia first, He has not been quite well and may not go this week, but he expects to. Mary says she wants thee to bring her a hoop skirt too.
The children are well and anxious to see you all.
Mary thinks she will not get the dress now. Did the get the bundle of stick charcoal, that I asked thee to buy for Mary, Mary says she will write to Madam Scheiffele for wax, and tell her to send it to thee by Churche's express to bring to her when thee returns.
We are much obliged to thee for thy exertions to furnish samples, and if money was plenty I would have one and I think both E and M but as things are we will wait. Mary says look and see how her dress, the black silk, should be made & have trimmed and if necessary, get three trimmings for it.
I will send a draft for $10.00 if not enough let me know.
Best love to Luther from us all, I hope he can visit us this summer. I am afraid most of the grape vines in the back yard are dead, and all look badly. Those near the house look better. Love from all
Sarah H Forrer
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April 5, 1863
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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