Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-17
Dayton March 17th1861
Dear Luther,
I just burnt two pages of a letter which I had begun to you.
I thought I had mentioned names and acts rather more freely than should be done in a letter.
Uncle John went to Columbus himself on Friday, very unexpectedly, and I had detailed his report more fully than I thought prudent.
Mr L. said he did not wish to do anything farther in the business as he was convinced that he had said and done all that he possibley could and that he had not changed in his choice. A letter from a prominent official to Blair was also promised but I don't know whether the promise has been fulfilled or not.
Uncle John says he feels in good spirits aobu thte prospects; but time alone can show with what reason.
I am hoping for a letter at noon. If it comes it will have to do instead of your own dear self; I hope it will give me some knowledge of your intentions and the time of your return be fixed. At any rate I cannot think another Sabbath will pass without finding you at home. If you don't come soon I am afraid you will have to find the children ragged as I have patched frequently and don't want to get anything new till the spring really sets in.
After all if you only want to see them you will only see a little more of them. They have had colds, and I felt alarmed about Robbie Friday night but he is pretty well again.
All three are looking at a book, Sella trying to teach Robby his letters but he insists of saying "osh" (horse) all the time instead.
Mother sent me out for a short ride yesterday and will stay with the children this afternoon while I walk. The air is rather sharp for them we think.
Motehr and every one are kind to me and try to keep me in company; Mother seems to forget her own amenities in caring for mine. When I got your last spirited letter she was about starting from Lib's. Poor child she exclaimed to Mary does she feel badly? "No" Mary said" Gus says that it don't make her one bit blue, though she don't shy". "Well watch her, go down after while, perhaps she may feel worse after while".
For you too her sympathies are enlisted; she says you are doing a great deal more than Father would ever have done for himself. And there you are alone and perplexed ; We are all longing for you return to make up for the trouble you have undergone, by our affectionate care.
No letter! Howard says; that is a disappointment; but must be borne.
I must close now dearest, for dinner is ready and Howard wants me to go out with him as soon as it is over.
Love and kisses from all. Goodbye
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March 17, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
3 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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