Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-03-25

Dayton O. March 25th. 1861
Dear Luther,
We are all dressed for Sunday, dinner is over, and now I want to talk to you on paper, as I cannot in any other way.
A comfortable way for you too, for you can take your afternoon nap and not be disturbed by my chattering.
It is a beautiful day, just the kind for a walk, and depend upon it you could be teased for it if you were at home, so perhaps you may think yourself better off in Washington; but if you do, don't I wish your ears were within boxing distance.
The little ones did look so pretty this morning that I wished you could see them. Robby still coughs from his cold but otherwise seems well. I wish all our neighbors were as fortunate as we have been thus far. The King's are watching Walter very anxiously, and with but little hope, I fear. He was attacked with Pleurisy the day after little Belle's death and was already much reduced by the Scarlet Fever. _ Mr. Daidy's (I don't know how the name is spelt) child, he's dangerously sick at Schaeffer's. The Lythe's too have lost their baby.
I have asked Uncle John if he had any word to send; he said no, that he had sent all the letters he could get, and thought it too late to get up the 'protest'.
Pfouts told Howard the other day that he understood Denny and Green were looking up again, and that he would head a protest if either one was appointed. I told Uncle John but think nothing of the kind will be done.
He told me Friday that he had sent letters from Dr. Adams Jewett and Mr Kenney I don't know what others.
Mother says she gives up and thinks you have been away long enough, had better come home &c.&c. Father is expected home the last of this week, and I expect you by that time; Mary says when you both come we are to have a jollification, whether we are successful or not, so you see we are fortifying ourselves against the "blues"; and preparing to welcome our dear ones gladly
It seems to me that to have you home again is my all-absorbing wish just now; so come darling, as quickly as possible.
Love letters, love letters! Well, I cannot write any other kind to you, and neither can you to me, so you need not say a word about it. I did have to langh at Lib the other day; she happened in on the arrival of the one giving full accounts of treachery &c. she was obliged to leave immediately, so I gave her the letter to take home, she commenced reading before staring; you addressed me as "little darling", she immediately turned round with , "this is not the one, this is one of the children's". I assured her it was all right, so she laughing by went on saying it had not occurred to her that I was so little. In the afternoon, she returned the littles with a note beginning with "My little sister". She thought if the news it contained could have been as good as the advice you gave it would have been very good indeed.
Robby has been sent away so often because I was writing to Papa, that he always knows now, what I am doing; just now he came to me with "Momma, Papa!"yes I answered. "ome"? was the next *intreety*, so I told him to run away and I would tell you. He is sweeter now than ever, if he is slapping Frank just now. I have my hands full with them all there, the oldest and then youngest are inclined to be tyrants, and Frank crys at every attempt of theirs to injure him.
Robby has come again, with "teepy""teepy" so he will have to try I suspect, unless the lid of the coal box will afford him sufficient ammusement. There is the bell!
It was Howard, come to make a call; he has gone now and I allowed Sella and Frank to go too. Robby went to "teep", so I am sitting very quietly by the dining room table finishing off. I have pretty much given up taking any walk though I feel very much like it. I will give "the sisters" an opportunity to come and see me this time.
6 o'clock_ Howard took me out to Jere's since writing the above, and I took my supper there.
Lib was not looking very well, but her flowers were. Her greenhouse has the most delightful fresh earthy smell, and the flowers were either blooming or promising to bloom, splendidly.
Bessie did a very unusual thing the other day; she pulled some flowers, of course a great disturbance was made about it.
She came to the conclusion that she might to be taken to Ritter's and by him be taken to market to be sold.
A little while afterward she came back to her father and said "Papa, I guess you'd better not sell me, cause if you get another little girl she'll do the same way."
Howard has come back, he says Uncle John expects to write you tonight and that Mrs. Davies send her very best love to you. Good, bye, dear Husband, I hope this is the last letter I shall have to write before seeing you. Love and kisses from all. Augusta
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March 25, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
5 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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