Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-07

Dayton, O. July 7th 1861
Dear Husband,
Your letter of Wednesday was received yesterday, and I have felt much more light hearted ever since.
Mother came soon after its arrival to take us to ride and I went to Mr. Brady's and Mr. Corwin's to give the news to the sisters. They were pretty well, and Eliza had heard from Robert; he had been famished on the road and finding nothing else to appease his hunger, had eaten two eggs which made him quite sick and he had not yet recovered when he wrote. I believe both he and David had come to the conclusion that Eliza was better off at home.
Mother and I have become so brave that we crossed the railroad twice yesterday and visited the cemetery; so I hope we can vary our rides more after this; they have been limited to the few drives around Jere's heretofore.
In the evening Robert Steele took Sella to ride and Mother came again for the rest of us. Robby was made happy through the greater part of the ride by sitting on the little seat in front but fought vigorously when I was obliged to take him on my lap.
Our ride ended we left the children with Betty and went to the stores.
Meeting Uncle John, Aunt Ann and Mary out walking, we joined them in a short walk, then returned home to put the Babies to sleep. Robby tumbled over the bed till after ten and then I joined him, finding that the only way to quiet him.
This obliged me to abandon my purpose of finishing my famous dress, the standby you know. It will look quite well again besides being in the fashion now!!
This (Sunday) morning was extremely warm, making me feel little like setting my house in order; but I persevered, and finished my little parlor by making a bouquet for my basket, flowers are not plenty, but Mrs. Steele's Elder is beautiful just now and a fine cluster of ** blossoms makes a great addition to my Michigan roses and Woodfringe; So my dearest our pretty room looks sweet enough for you, could you only spend a few hours with us. _ It was difficult for me to do these little things at first, and I cared less for my dress, but I know it is not right to feel so, and the example is bad for the children, so I now try to do better instead of worse, and feel better for the effort, and for the more cheerful aspect of my surroundings.
Robby is sw__ing in his peculiar style because I won't let him play with a cup of beans; he has not been awake very long, and is very ill humored. The little fellow talks about you more than either of the others, and at times seems to miss you very much. He has just been in with a big black ant and trided hard to talk with me about this letter to you.
I am writing in the parlor under the basket, with the front door open, so that the little ones are under my eyes. Frank is generally lying flat on the porch humming to himself in a way peculiar to himself. It has rained but not enough to prevent their playing on the stone walk. Here they are with a big yellow beetle that Robby has caught. He don't seem to have the least fear.
Poor old Aunt Lib. is in a sad condition her mind is quite disordered. Aunt Mary put the light out one night not long ago, but soon after hearing Aunt Lib. moving about and tearing her clothes, got up and relighted it. This seemed to frighten her and she showed symptoms of derangement which have continued, although not totally insane. mary said she talked to her very kindly when she was there last though she seemed to be muttering to herself a part of the time. This will be a sad trail for them over there; and I cannot help hoping her days will be few if this affliction is to continue upon her.
Uncle John went to see M C. *Cane*, who told him the suit would be in New York, Wednesday evening. I hope you will find your position pleasant I have had many misgivings, on account of the jealousies that may be felt by those in this regular army who have not been promoted. I was rather surprised at the order for your suit as I supposed you would await the decisions of Congress.
How did the responsibility of taking charge of a fort make you feel? And, what is the charge, your duties, &c.?
Tell us all about it and we will keep it to ourselves.
When do you expect to see Belle and hear H.W. Beecher?
By closing now I can put this in the Office this evening, so goodbye Dearest and Best One.
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July 7, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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