Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-11

Dayton O. July 11th 1861
Dear Husband,
There is nearly an hour yet till bed time, so I will begin a letter to you. Sella and I have been out to the picnic all day. If Mart had not gone I should I think have begged off; as it seemed like going among strangers._ As it turned out I am very glad I went; all seemed kind and a great many expressed themselves glad I had come , advising me to keep myself from brooding over my loss by going out as often as possible. This I shall do to a certain extent, but not to neglect home duties._ I was much surprised to find Eleanor and Susie at the Picnic. Ella expected to return home some time ago but seems to find it pleasant to stay. _ The girls told me that Eliza had had another attack similar to the one of last week, but more severe, she was better yesterday, but had exerted herself too much, and was worse again today._ In coming home I found Mary Brady, she said her Mother told her to let me know about Eliza, and that she felt uneasy about her. I went down immediately, and found her suffering bodily and very much depressed. She seems to think the first is caused by falling of the womb._ Quincy had written that he was doing nothing and could come home is she wanted him to, but would stay unless she did._ I found she was anxious to write to him and request him to come unless it was making too great a sacrifice, but was quite unable to do it or to get it done, so I did it for her, directed the letter and Mrs. Brady was to send it o the Office. Both sisters inquired affectionality for you, and Eliza wanted me to tell Quincy where you were. Send some brotherly message to them when next you write both will like it, and Eliza needs all the cheering things possible. I fear Susie gives her much anxiety; her bad companion was again with her today, though the girls say that she became angry and left them early.
Do you remember a letter that Sallie Thomas wrote to me, in which she mentioned the coming of the Gregg's, and wanted me to call upon them? It slipped my mind for a while and then I thought the church people would take them up and so did not call at all.
Today I met them at the Picnic, and was introduced; finding them quite pleasant, and considered very intelligent I ventured upon making myself further known to them by mentioning Sallie's name, and you should have seen how delighted they were; first the mother and then the two daughters, to whom she took me as soon as possible, Mrs. Gregg said that it was but the other day that the oldest daughter had said she did wish they knew the name of Mrs. Thomas's friend. So now I will call and make myself agreeable while here.
I saw Joe Crane tonight; he thought it probable that he might see you. He said he missed his orders by coming here, as Mrs. Schenck kept urging him to do *least* the place might be lost by his delay. He said her letters kept coming, and so one night "while out milking" he concluded to come. The 'orders' told him to go to New York to get uniform so that he would probably have been there now had he remained at home instead of coming here. He may yet go, though he says that through Jere's kindness the uniform was ready for him on his arrival here. (Joe P. paid the bill)
I hope your coat, sheets, pillowcases, Army Register and two papers went this morning. and will be all right._ William Vallettss death, July 10th is announced in the Commercial of today._ Mother is quite sick tonight, but I hope it is more painful than dangerous.
I have written enough for tonight, but will write more tomorrow, and probably send it Good night my dear, dear Husband.
Friday night_ We have had much rain and a consequent change in the aire, which makes a fire pleasant so having put the children to bed, I am down by the dining room grates warming myself and writing to you._ The clock strikes nine so that little more than an hour can be allowed to you, for I need rest.
This morning was mostly devoted to gathering up necessaries for the family; my currants came too, so the jelly was to make then I made some sheets, and had Eleanor to Tea with me to close the day. She thinks she will certainly leave tomorrow, and says she would have done so before but for Eliza's illness; the children mind her better than any one else she thinks when their Mother is not there. Eliza is better.
There was a paragraph in yesterday's Gazette saying that Robert had desired some one appointed in his place; this evening Mr. Brady came (for the Office key to get something of Robert's) and I asked him the meaning of it; he said that R had written some time since to Eliza, saying that he would resign in Mr. Brady's favor; both had considered it so much "gas" and thought nothing more of it till this newspaper announcement came to light; but they know nothing about it further than that *Albonist hutsman* (I don't know how to spell either name) asked me yesterday what you were going to do with your Office furniture and Law books, I told him you did not know any thing about what arrangements would be made when you left, but expected to return and settle all before long. He said he might like to take all and, that you had a Notarial Seal which he thought you would not want again, even if you resumed the *Jerattice* of Law. I promised to tell you, and hope you will not forget to answer me for his benefit.
Uncle John tells me that Mc Clellan has taken Laurel Hill, but we have none of the particulars yet. I hope this is to be followed up by rapid work with the traitors, in many, many accountsl You can guess one, for I am no brave wife for a brave soldier. Yet I think I have much more courage than I thought myself to possess; since I am tried this last time. I don't believe I would be afraid to go into a Fort provided you were there, but I confess to considerable nervousness about firearms, and the noise of guns is exceedingly unpleasant to me, as it is to Sella also._ Find out every thing you can about our wants, if we should go to you awhile. When you think of any thing make a note of it and transmit it to me in the next letter. There are many things I do not wish to get if we are to stay quietly at home, which would be necessary if we go away, consequently let us know your arrangements as early as possible.
Howard and his party returned this morning after an absence of a week. He says it has rained night and day for some time and they could do but little for it. He was in favor of trying it a little longer in hopes of btter weather, but was voted down. He thinks there was not quite enough stamina in the set, the first party he is sure would have turned out better; he acknowledges however that the rain made it unpleasant and says everything else was enjoyed by all.
Ernestine asked me if I was writing to you, and says I must give his love to you, too. _ Now then, you have it you had better send some kind message to her, it would do her some good I think. Poor thing she is in trouble any how. The new sisters and *Rohds* seem to think she ought to spend her money on the new comers; and because she has not already done it have abused her sadly. She says, and I believe it, that she would have given them some if they had not been so ugly with her. They will never be content to stay in their places so long as they can run to her for assistance, and I would not spend much on them either; *we* at best is very heartless I am sure.
Howard has just come in; he says it was Rosencranz at Roaring Run, instead of McClellan at Laurel Hill; there are great reports about the letter too, but not thought to be true._ Oh! for more victorious, right off, quick, immediately!!
More tomorrow perhaps. Nothing in the papers to send you. Goodnight Dear Luther.
Saturday afternoon_ I have not closed yet but have but little more to say.
Robby is pointing to my paper and enquiring "Papa, wite"? He drawls worse then ever. _ Frank has called out to me several mornings in succession, the first thing after waking, "Is Papa home?"
It will be a joyful meeting for all of us when the time comes. I hope we can be with you, but am trying to prepare myself for disappointment.
But I want to be well provided in every way if we do go, and must rely upon you for information as to our probable wants._ How we shall live, conveniences for washing clothes &c.&c.
Have you written to the Bank yet about my right to draw money. I shall soon need more, but do not like to go or send for it while they have the least doubt about it._ Uncle John said Davis promised to attend to that business this morning but I have not heard from it yet. He had not seen the other parties, and I am afraid will not soon, for he seems to forget everything these days. Mother notices this too; says he does not seem to hear what she is saying, but it seems to make him angry to notice it. I hope you can soon be at home to settle up your own business._ Did you tell the preacher to pay up monthly?
Here comes Robby with his questions again, and the children are as noisy as possible . I am hoping to get a letter from you to night and so shall write no more till that is here to be answered. Frank says tell you to come home, and buy him a large dog to set on all the bad boys that swear. Sella too says come home. Love from all and very much from your
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July 11, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
8 pages + insert dated "Saturday afternoon" (07/13/1861)
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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