Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1861-07-31

Dayton O. July 31st 1861
Dear Luther,
I was expecting to answer a letter tonight, but no letter came.
I look anxiously for Congressional news, to see whether we meet at home or abroad. If it was not for your feeling hurt at being sent home, and did I not fear your being low spirited about your business, my joy at seeing you again in our own house, would be most intense.
I often feel troubled too at the expense I have been put to for the journey; it is quite as small as I can make it; still if you do return, it will be almost useless. I have already drawn $50.00 and ought to draw that much more to pay my bills and the one at VanAusdal's. I only hesitate because I am afraid of being talked about at the Bank.
Mary has come in for the night, and we have been talking a while.
*Cuppy* has been making a fool of himself I should think, from all I can hear. He married Mrs. Laura *McAlps*, the spiritualist medium, who was lecturing here last winter. Report has it that C. is her third husband, and that the second one shot himself last winter. You had better be getting your money from that firm I am thinking.
By the way what about the Journal? Mother told me *Comly* had presented a longer bill than you thought right; where are your receipts?
Fielding Loury made his appearance here quite unexpectedly day before yesterday. Schenck's Brigade, consisting of three months men, had mostly disbanded, and Fielding is home on furlough. He says the panic was disgraceful.
I think you would have laughed to have seen Frank and Robby today.
Yesterday, Frank proposed to Rob, that R. should unbutton his drawers for him and he would reciprocate the favor. Robby went to work and did do it and Frank kept his word. This morning Frank again asked him to perform the same office, but without promising any reward; Robby again did it, but presented his back immediately with "mine, mine"; remembering the bargain of yesterday.
Frank was exercised today on the "darkey" question. He wanted to know what made them black, for want of a better answer, I told him they were born black; then he asked if he was born black, and whether the colored people didn't stay too long in Buckeyes.
Some one told him that he was a Buckeye boy and came out of a Buckeye.
Howard is still confined to his room and was very much depressed this evening but the Doctor considers him better, and says he and Mother must go to Mr. Folletts' and Kelley's Island next week. Mr F. was here this morning and said his wife ordered him not to come back without Mother. I sent for your books by him.
Jere and Henrietta started for Indiana this morning. Josey Crane has been bitten by a rattlesnake lately; and not long since Sallie killed one with a hoe. Both of the snakes were in the dooryard. Is not that delightful?_ I have been threatening Mary to draw her portrait as she lies stretched on my bed in 'undress uniform' bothering me so with her talk that I can't write. She feels safe because she says the paper is not long enough._ Well; well am I to have a letter to-morrow? if hadn't give you a "Blue Pill' the last time I wrote I would give you one this time. It is a wicked thing to give in any shape whatever and I was sorry I could send you nothing better. It was partly your fault however, for you should not be the dear good fellow you are and always have been. Wouldn't you get a good 'mug' as Robby says, if you were here tonight? The little fellow almost sprains my neck he hugs so hard.
I have not seen the 'sisters' lately. I have been very busy, and the weather has been extremely hot._ It is late, so I'll to bed, hoping to know something more definite about you in a few days. Don't be troubled dearest, if you are sent home; we all feel as if we would rejoice at it, unless you are mortified at it. #Good night - dear dear Husband. Thine ever,
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July 31, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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