Letter from Augusta Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Mary Forrer 1861-09-24

Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Harbor
Sept. 24th. 1861
Dear Mary,
Howard and I have been debating the matter as to whom I should write this time. His order has been Mother first, you next and Lib last; she may expect a letter from him next week. I will pursue the same plan.
Howard is laughing, as he hears Ernestine's view, because he says I have got something to tell. It is this; the maiden had permission to go over to the City yesterday, and instead of coming back in the evening, did not come till this morning about Eleven o'clock._ She said didn't get through shopping and seeing friends till it was too dark to come. She knew I "would have to work" and didn't sleep good all night thinking about it &c. &c. of course I was delighted with the performance, nevertheless I did scold somewhat._ She does not do as well as I could wish._ I believe however that she took pretty good care of the children the other day when I went to the city, we got home rather late, but before dark; not a bed was made and not a spark of fire to get Tea ready.
It was provoking, but I did not scold, for I had told her to devote herself to the children, and she professed to have had her hands full doing that. I merely told her that she must try to have the Tea kettle ready the next time, and then left her to get supper ready herself.
We went to the City as agreed upon when Aunt Caroline was here, but did not meet with her either place we spoke of meeting She was uncertain about going over in the morning, and I was not surprised at not seeing her at Stewart's, but expected to meet after dinner at the Central Park. We waited some time at the entrance but as she did not come were obliged to get a carriage and go the rounds of the Park without her.
This park looks quite new, as there are no large trees in it; there are some rocks, however, which are big enough to be old! the rocks in it are all natural and make it quite picturesque; A great variety of bridges span the valleys and add much to the beauty of the whole. There are two lakes, one large enough to take quite a sail upon; both are well swanned stocked with swans, both white and dark colored ones._ Dodsworth's Band was to perform at four o'clock but we could not wait for it; as the Park is several miles from the Brooklyn ferry. As Aunt wished to go on account of the music, I think its probable that she arrived either while we were examining the grounds or after we left. We met car after car loaded inside and out going to the concert as we returned to Broadway.
I purchased a little oversack for Robby, cloth for a suit for Frank; had a waist pattern cut for myself and a Jonane jacket for Sella at Madam Demorest's. I will try to sent those patterns as well as one of the little overcoat by Howard. the last one is quite as suitable for little girls as for boys, and Lib may want it as well as the jacket. My pattern may help Mother in cutting your dress. She may like the journal that Madam Demorest published quarterly; there are two editions, one at 25 cents a number has colored plates and two or three patterns cut out of tissue paper; the other at 10 cents is without these.
Dr. Lynde and his sister Mrs. Wallace called this morning with the Doctor's two little girls. Mrs. Wallace has charge of the children, and offered to show me the New York stores and help me to purchase for the children, as she is going over soon for her charges. It will give me a good opportunity I think.
She will look in at Robby while I am going if I will._ She, poor woman, is now hoping to have her husband exchanged, and is looking forward to happier holidays than she had expected I hope she will not be disappointed.
Our box has not yet arrived, but Luther says he did not expect it as soon as this so I suppose all is right.
I am thinking now of going to Madison, Wisonsin; Major Smith has been ordered there, and he may get Luther exchanged for him; if not Luther will probably (?) be left here to recruit his battalion. So it goes._ I shall not care to see something of the world, but don't want too much of a good thing; and I have no desire to be sent where there is no Homeopathic physician I can assure you.
Ugh! that pill seems to me to be in poor little Wobby, 'circulating round' all the time, an ugly blemish to his fair little body forever. Sella objected to having a doctor who gave bitter medicine sent for at all, and Frank took the bottle and examined it curiously.
Luther thinks he will hardly consent to giving another pill, so I think Dr. Linde and his kind are likely to be troubled by us no more.
Luther is out and proposed before going to take me a walk when he returned so I cannot write much longer, I think too that I will send this to Mother first as she will be expecting a letter on Wednesday, and I have no time for writing another to her exclusively.
I will write to her or Mary when the box comes, and tell them how Robby is.
There is Luther, so kiss the dear children and give my love to Jere
Love from all to all.
for haste
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September 24, 1861
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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