Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-11-23

Dayton O. Nov 23rd
Dear Husband,
I can scarcely tell who, what or where I am; I am still so much confused by all that has past this last week. - Our journey was not very pleasant, but we got along well enough. It rained hard till the morning we reached home and was gloomy enough! At Albany Rob was asleep so I had to carry him to the Ferry; here a Policeman took charge of us and got us our berths. The next morning at Rochester the conductor tried to get us coffee, of which we stood in need, but they would not send it to us, and it rained too hard to go after it.
At Dunkirk I stept out intending to get something warm for the rest, but not a thing would they sell me but pie.
Mr. Porter did not make his appearance, but an old gentleman seemed disposed to assist us if he could, after eyeing cautiously awhile I came to the conclusion that he was really a kind old man and entered into conversation with him.
I took him for a good Republican, but now believe that he is a loyal democrat. He said he had a son in the army at Newbern, who said it was a hard life, but he had expected that and had entered it with conscientious motives. - In the course of conversation I remarked that I hoped the recent elections would do no harm; he hesitated a moment, and then said he did not think they would; that Seymour had assured him on the eve of his election that he intended to support the administration and he thought he would unless his advisors were bad. He himself feared a division in the North on the settlement, after the rebels had been whipped &c &c. - He told me afterward that his name was "Davis Senator. Davis of Syracuse." His friend a Mr. Ruber of Indianapolis, told me that he had just been elected! He Davis said he was on his way to Kentucky to see how they were getting along there. I wish if you can you could try to find out what kind of a man he is. He certainly was very kind to the children and the rest of us. He left us at Cleveland and Mr. Ruber went on to [blank space]. Robby fretted for a drink, which he discovered and immediately went through the cars till he found some for him.
He had just left his own boy a little younger than Rob, and took particular notice of him. - We reached home Friday morning at five o'clock. Father was not at home but returned in the afternoon, he expected to find only Mary, and seemed much gratified that we had accompanied her. Eddie came soon after our arrival, then Uncle John, Aunt Ann, Mart Holt & Jere. - Then Mother and I went up town and afterwards I went to see "the sisters" who seemed very glad to see me. Mary Brady told me afterwards that her Mother went singing around the house the morning after she heard "Aunt Augusta was coming", and that she was glad something had made her sing once more.- Yesterday her basket of bread and cakes came up as of old. Eliza looks unusually well. Robert was expected last evening. - Mary and I have held quite a lever since our arrival and I can hardly settle down quietly. Mary is waiting for me to go over to Uncle's #so I will have to close this hurried note. - Does Emma make you comfortable? and be sure you tell me exactly how you are every time you write, and let that be very often, my good man.
The children were as good as they could be on the journey and bore it pretty well. Sella however coughs too much. She says she will write to you as soon as she knows how. - Mary hurries me, so Good bye darling one.
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November 23, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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