Browse All Letters (392 total)
May 21st 1864 #May 21st# Douglas Hospital May 21. 64 My Dear Wife: I have not rec'd a word from you since we crossed the Rapid Ann, except the dispatch from Mr.F. This is a long time to be without news and I am getting very anxious to receive a letter. This I don't expect to do for some time, because you probably put 12th Inf on the address. This…
Douglas Hospital May 21. 1864 5 1/2 A.M. My Dear Wife, Yours of the 19th just reached me last night & right glad was I to see it for *Mother* writing once more. I have written to you every day I have been here - I also wrote three times while across the Rapid Ann. Once on the 3rd or 4th day of the fight, again twice on the day I was wounded,…
Douglas Hospital May 22. 64 My Dear Wife: Here I am on my back writing you another account of myself. I have written you every day since my arrival and shall continue to do so, as long as there is any *anxiety* about it. My leg did not give me much trouble last night, but it is more painful to the touch this morning. The Doctor left me rather…
Inland Telegraph Company's Lines To All Points East, West, North & South. Office, Patriot & Union Building, Harrisburg, and 21 South St. Baltimore; cor. Fifth and Smithfield Sts. Pittsburgh; 413 Chestnut, and cor. Third and Market Sts. Philadelphia T.H. Willson, Harrisburg, President. Telegram. Dated Washington 25th 1864. To R.G. Corwin. I…
To be called for at Steubenville office by R.G. Corwin. Luther worn out with heat. Thinks you need not come. Augusta Douglas Hospital Washington City Douglas Hospital June 19 1864 I think I am getting stronger daily. I would be very glad to see you but I cannot ask you to come here. LBB To R.G. Corwin Steubenville [list on separate page] Dresses…
Dayton Ohio May 26th 1864 Dear Papa and Mamma, We are so lonesome without you, the first night you were gone Aunt Mary went up stairs and when she came down she said "It is so lonesome without her" then I knew she meant you. Baby is quite happy out to Aunt Libs. Baby was in town this morning and I was out there a little while too she goes colu colu…
Fort Hamilton, N.Y. H August 15th 1864 My Dear Mrs. Bruen I intended writing you some times since but have delayed it for various reasons. You will doubtly be surprised as finding me at this post where we have both of us passed many pleasant hours. I left the regiment on the 2nd of this month, my foot which was injured last *fall warring* became so…
Office Pro Man Gen Army of Potoinac Aug 12 1864 My dear Mrs. Bruen, When the sad news came in the regiment of the death of the Major, I longed to write you and express my great sympathy and sorrow for you. Not only mine, my dear Madam, but that of the whole regiment. The Major had been so long with us with that he had become a part of us; and we…
Sandusky. June 29. 1864. Dear Augusta, What can I say to you under this terrible bereavement? I feel as if I could only weep, & not even attempt the unwelcome part of consoler. Such grief, so recent & so unexpected can meet with comfort & consolation from only one source. I felt though, as if I must write a few words - to tell you how…
Georgetown D.C. Aug. 15th 1864 Dear Mrs. Bruen I regret very much that your letter of the 5th has remained so long unanswered, but I have been quite unwell for the last week and hand not the courage to do anything. I feel so much for you all, dear friend, in this second great loss and yet how little consolation can one give to your aching hearts, I…