Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-03

Dayton O. Dec. 3rd,
Dear Luther,
You will receive my letter today, no doubt, telling of Frank's illness, and will be anxious to hear more about him and the other children. F. has recovered with the exception of a cough. He slept through the whole of last night.
The other children have not yet taken the measles; I shall look till next week, and then give up their having it altogether. I would rather they would have it now, however, and think it probable they will. Lib is trying to get her children's pictures before they are taken sick; now if they are not sick at all, the fright will do some good I think.
I don't like the idea of that court martial at all, especially if it is to be a long one. Let me know about it as soon as you find out.
Also about the headquarters of the regiment, I am afraid that will send you into the field immediately; especially as you are more likely to obey orders than some other persons we know of. Don't keep anything from me; I am not worrying, but I want to know.
Robert came from Washington, I sent him word that you wished him to be blown up, and he said he would come down and be lectured, so Katie told me today.
By the way, if I am here at Christmas, what shall I do about "the sisters'" children? The money goes so fast, and I feel the need of dress more here than I did in the Fort, at least of outside fixing.
I think we cannot get for more than the little ones, but it shall be as you choose; I ask to learn your wishes. Mrs. B. sends me something every baking day; I should like to give to her, but am afraid of offending others. Tell me what to do.
Just before dusk last evening, Mary and I ran over in a social way to return Mrs. Phillips's call, and while we sat talking, unusually pleasantly, in came a dinner party on us. Gen. Wood's wife, Miss Edwards and Judge Haynes, and how many more I don't know as we took leave as soon as we decently could. Mrs. Phillips accompanied us to the door, and in answer to Mary's remark that she was sorry Kate was sick, said Kate was not very well, that they were having a dinner party, and she did not mean to make her appearance. The great love between the invited and the entertainers, struck me forcibly!
I did get a letter from you yesterday but I expected it two or three days sooner; I believe you are trying to get me home by writing just as little as possible, and you may just stop being mean as quickly as possible. I hope I am getting better, but I do wish a decided change would make its appearance. I should feel independent then.
Rob says tell you "we're in Dayton" and Frank says tell Papa and Emma that he sends his love. Rob said "ye-es" when I told him Emma's message. He is fighting his Aunt Mary just now, and assuring her that she is not the commanding officer._ I did not write till the Sunday after my arrival as I needed rest, and had a great many calls. Please look on the upper shelf of the closet and see if Mary's charcoal is there.
You must put up with one sheet this time as Mother insists upon my taking another walk this afternoon. Remember us to Emma and do take care of yourself dearest, and let me know just how you #are getting along.
I forgot to pay Mrs. Vandere 24 or 26 cents that I owed her for pie. Please pay her yourself or let Emma do so immediately as she will think strangely of the neglect. Now good bye darling and please be good and write very very often.
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December 3, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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