Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-04

Dayton O. Dec 4th 1862
Dear Luther,
Yours of the 29th Nov reached me today and I see that you are attributing the children's illness to Dayton air, whereas Sella was sick when she came, Rob took cold during the journey and Frank contracted the measles at Fort Hamilton!! Besides Rob is getting as fat as possible, and every one thinks I have improved wonderfully already. I think, my dear, I have the advantage over you this time.
You ask about your gloves, but I know I had no intention of putting them into that box; they were wrapped in paper and marked "Luther's winter gloves". Look all over that closet, in your trunk, and all the drawers in the bureau. The washstand I think is entirely empty; I did have woollens in the lower part of it.
I went to Eliza's with Mrs. Brady today, and told them that you complained that I did not write enough about them, so I requested them to furnish details but failed to get much in that way; I found that Robert had gone to Cincinnati to see about some place in a printing office for one of Lavina's boys he being thrown out of a place in this famous journal office which E. says is about exploded. The eldest son expects a clerkship under Caleb, but now that he has resigned, I suppose he will be disappointed.
Eliza says that Lavina suffers a great deal, as she cannot bear to be dependent. - Robert had received a letter from David with which I was much amused. Robert told me that he had tried to get a Brigadier's commission for him, in the Indian Regiments; David had not heard that he was a colonel when he wrote, but knew of his Father's higher aspirations for him, and told him that he did not wish higher honors till he had deserved them, and added "remember that I must catch the 'Eagle's' wing before I can soar to the 'stars'". Pretty good, wasn't it?
I saw Robert on the street a few days since, and he said that he thought you intended closing up the correspondence on 'that subject'. (what subject?) He talked as if he would write soon. Eliza and Mrs. B. said they were not in favor of the journal, and E. lectured R. for sending you the word.
I called on Mary Shaw this afternoon, she was not at home but I found her at her Mother's. She told me that if George had not been as sick, she would have had me to tea on the tenth anniversary of the wedding. George has been having neuralgia which settled in his eyes, and I rather think both Mrs. Perrine and Mary have had a good (?) time nursing him. Mrs P had him at her own house while Mary was moving, and she says he suffered so acutely that she was up every hour of the night and used to let him rest his head on her shoulder, or hold it between her hands, any way that would relieve him. I don't care if I do hit him a little, for he wasn't inclined to spare you; maybe a little of what he said was true but he had no business to say it.
Do you know that next Monday is the 8th of December? I hope as we cannot be together, that I may be able to finish and send this to you, as a poor substitute for my own dear self! May we never be separated on another anniversary; and may there be many happy ones in store for us!
The two children do not yet show signs of the measles with the exception of a cough and an occasional sneeze. Father thinks Frank is getting along very well; still it will not do to give up watching him closely. Rob keeps up his "commanding officer" speech much to Mother's amusement.
We are to dine with Uncle John and Aunt Ann tomorrow. Uncle is very restless under Will's absence; one moment he declares the boys are the best in the world and have the best positions; the next he wishes they were both at home, 'fools!' He went down to see Will before he left Kentucky, and marched to Louisville with him. I believe he was still at Cairo when he last wrote. - Howard I suppose has left LaGrange, as Grant's army was said to be moving. Mother bears his absence bravely, but if anything should happen to him I don't think she would ever get over it. Father has bought the stone for the foundation of the house, and also a part of the lumber. Father seems quite poor, and it makes me sad to see how much pinching is necessary; as for Mother's house, she does not expect to be able to finish it but wishes to enclose and roof all, finishing only enough to live in. I understand that Kenney still talks of buying a part of his lot, not being able to get a good title to the Dwayne's lot. - Mr. Iddings bought the lot where Tom Smith lived, pulled down the old house, built a stable, and says he will wait till the war is over before he builds a handsome house. I saw Lizzie Conover the other day, but have seen nothing of the Craigheads. - It is late and I will finish in the morning. Good night dear Husband.
Friday morning - All pretty well this morning, no measles yet. - Mary says that she thinks Jere was very much pleased with everything that was bought. He found out about the pipe and was using it. Lib saw all but her present and was also well satisfied. I did not see Jere when he first saw the things but he looked quite smiling over both pipe and box.
Rob saw that I did not feel quite well this morning, and kissed me two or three times; then he put his arm into mine and when I asked him why he did that, he said "Papa does."
I have made five or six calls and wanted sixteen more last evening which must be made. I wish to make them early, so that the last of my time may be at my own disposal. - I will see to the manuscripts. - By the way did you put the canes in the box? Mrs. Brady is anxious to have hers. Van Ausdal has been in this morning to get Father to lay out some *?* and Rob and I have had quite a chat with him! Mother and I are going up to get my dress stamped for braiding, also to put this #in the office for I shall be disappointed if you do not get this next Monday. Frank says "we have got all our things" he means the play things from the house.
Now Dearest, I hope you will not miss us too much the thought of your loneliness is the only drawback to my visit home. Everybody is so kind and even more acquaintances meet me pleasantly. - My health is certainly better and consequently my spirits are better. I am afraid that application for change of head quarters will send you into the field, so I cannot but regret that you made it. I hope it will not be so, but I am very much afraid. Goodbye best man in the world.
Thy loving wife
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December 4, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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