Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-14

Dayton O. Dec. 14th. 1862
Dear Husband,
Little Rob had to give up and have the measles; he broke out well this morning, but seems to be suffer from the cough. I hope however that a day or two hence will find him much more comfortable. He was very sensitive, and would not allow Frank to look at his face this morning; he however told me to tell you and Emma that he had the measles; in his own words "I'm dot the measles". - Frank and Sella still cough too much, but the Doctor's prescription to-night will doubtless make them better. I too am taking medicine but fear all this nursing will not send me to you much improved. I consulted the Doctor to-night as to when I might take Robby back; he said that unless something serious made its appearance, I might safely venture the Monday after New Years Day. That is some time hence, but on counting I see it brings it out just to the day you had set the 8th. of January! I had intended to start the Monday after Christmas, so as to prove you in the wrong, but the Fates are against me.
I went up to the Office myself this morning but was disappointed in my hopes of getting a letter: perhaps tomorrow's mail will serve me better. - your Letter of the Eighth came on Thursday and I was glad to find mine for that day had arrived. Many thanks for your kind expressions of confidence, which I trust may never prove misplaced. - Thanks also for your attention to Mary's commission; she has the work on *sketching* from *nature* of which you speak, so will not need it. - By the way in looking for that charcoal, did you find your gloves? You must have needed them during that severe cold weather of which you tell me in your last.
Never mind the flowers; I have brought home slips of all for Mother and Lib and hope to have duplicates from them.
I asked the Doctor how long I might safely delay my return to Dayton, and he thinks till the last of April. I hope the War Department will not interfere with this, although I confess it will not be pleasant to have so many gentlemen around. I feel too that I shall not get all the exercise I need on that account, but perhaps you can help me to that after dusk.
Mrs. Perrine asked Mrs. Holt to put off her company till the next day, as that was her Birthday and she always had a Family party then. Mrs H. agreed, and we (Mary and I, Mother also was invited) passed a pleasant evening with Mrs. P. in company with Mrs Holt, Mrs Griffin Mr & Mrs *Jere Peirce*; Mrs. Corwin and last but not least Mr & Mrs Brady. Wasn't that an event to be noticed?
The next evening we took Tea at Judge Holt's with Lib and Jere Augusta Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Van Ausdal. Mary has become very fleshy and her husband takes every opportunity that offers to *joke* her about it. She said she had heard that I was very thin and wanted to come and exhibit herself by way of contrast, but she didn't see that I was looking at all badly, her husband said he thought I was looking a great deal better. I hope I am, but think the color in my cheeks which excitement gave me made me look better than usual.
*Nellie* Peirce is getting on well, but I expect on Christmas Day to hear that the remaining five are all sick from exposure to her. A merry Christmas that will be! (?)
Sella says Kitty Brady said she was going to give her a present and wanted to know if she was intending to give her one; something must be given, and I wish to for the little thing is very affectionate and kind. Had I better confine myself to a good stock of candy and nuts for the children of both houses? - Then I thought of sending Priscilla a drum of figs or box of prunes. Do advise me fully, I have alluded to the matter before, but have not yet received an answer from you.
I took dinner at Uncle John's on Friday having Frank and Robby with me; the day was so mild that we thought the little fellows had better go out. Mrs. H. Davis also dropped in at meal time. I have met her before and we got along pleasantly quite, but the old joking times have past away from us, I rather think forever!
Did I tell you that Lib Loury and I met at Jere's the second Sunday after my return? She kissed me as if nothing unpleasant had ever occurred, called on me last week and has been very pleasant whenever we have met. She says Fielding has become very fleshy, and she threatens to disown him if he don't stop soon, the contrast between them is getting entirely too great.
Mary and I have yet nearly all our calls to make, being disappointed one day last week about going out, as Mother was too unwell to leave in charge of the children, although she insisted she was not. She had had one of the worst spells of headache I have ever known her to have.
I don't know what Uncle John would say to me for delaying to my fourth page to inform you of Will's safe arrival home. He is looking well, and is after deserters, also trying to recruit some men before Christmas, on which day he must report at the post of duty which is Memphis now. - Letters from Howard came yesterday from Holly Springs. I wish I could tell you exactly how to direct a letter to him as I know he and Mother would be much pleased if you would write him; he wished us to tell him all about you. If you should write do be careful how you speak of any of your Officers, commanding or others; there is much risk in sending letters to the field at any rate, and there are always enough envious ones willing to pick up anything that will injure a brother officer. Don't say 'pshaw'! but just be prudent if you please my good man. Mother now directs her letters to him thus. "Lieut. Howard Forrer, care of Col. Sprague of 63rd Reg. O.V.I. in Camp near Holly Springs Mississippi. - Only see how your little woman can rattle away when she is talking to you! She thought she had nothing to say, and here is a sheet nearly full, of nonsense perhaps, but just as full of love if you will "keep your heart and eyes open to receive it", see I am quoting from your last my Dear. I must leave a small space to tell you how the children are in the morning so love and kisses till then. -- Augusta
Monday morning -- All as well as can be expected. So very wet and rainy that I cannot go up to the Office but am going to watch for Uncle John. Goodbye dearest, Augusta
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December 14, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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