Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1862-12-10

Dayton, Dec. 10th.1862
Dear Husband,
I wish I could have answered your good letter last evening; then I felt better than I do this evening, well and even hopeful; for I had talked with the Doctor about myself, and although he seemed to think my suspicions correct, yet he said he could relieve some ailments and also help my depression of spirits, if the latter affliction could only be removed I should be thankful indeed; I am taking the medicine, but am worse than ever today; perhaps I am worse before the curse comes; I hope so, for what is to become of me, else, I cannot tell. If you could only be with me! but there is no use of wishing; and I suppose it is wrong to worry you. Perhaps Sella's illness and my wakefulness last night has been too much for me. She began breaking out yesterday and is pretty well covered today, her eyes trouble her much, otherwise she is doing very much as Frank did.
Frank is well and we are still careful of him. Robby has been so fretful that I think it is the beginning of measles with him, although he declares he will not have it. Yesterday Frank's ramrod was gone and Robby exclaimed "Bless my heart! where's that ramrod gone?"
Lib thinks Sarah and Edward are taking the measles; it is too bad to spoil their Christmas so! Little Lidy Corwin think it is better for her to have the measles before she is a "grown up young lady" and is rather in favor of coming to get it. Tommy had a black eye the last time I saw him; Sallie and *Kitty* are busy at school; the latter comes up twice a week with her basket and says she likes to do it; she is a good kind little thing, and looks very bright.
Suzie was home on Thanksgiving Day, but has returned to school. Quince is reading at home, and is as quiet and pleasant as ever. Eliza is looking better than usual, and Robert was taking some cows up the country yesterday. I forgot to ask about the Washington trip, but will. -- Luther Brady expected to go to New York last week, and will probably be there soon; they are still anxious about his place since Smith has resigned. Mary Brady said tell you that she was twenty two and was getting scared at being so old. Mart she said was gadding; her mother was teasing her about Cousin Joe *Huston*. Sister said she wasn't doing much, but was trying to do her best. Sammy said he was staying at home and minding his own business like a gentleman.
I must not forget Willy, who is doing well at Georgetown; he writes often and pleased his mother greatly by sending her a latin translation for which he had received a reward of merit. Of David C.'s last letters I have already told you.
Uncle John invited Mary and me to go to *Patti's* concert this evening, and Mother urged me to go, but she was herself so unwell that I refused. Tomorrow evening we are invited to Judge Holt's. I hope I can go, but if Robby is sick do not believe I can, as I think he won't stay with his Grandmother.
The washwoman's bill was as she represented it. How does Emma do now? Remember us all to her, and tell her to try to get along a little while longer. Mother says get the book if it does not cost more than $5.00 or so, she don't recollect what Lib's cost. Mary's efforts were duly appreciated by all who knew what she intended to do. Some few expected to see large pictures of course such were disappointed, all at home are well satisfied. -- Letters from Howard arrived this morning; he was at Holly Springs had heard guns in front of them, but had not yet been in any engagements. His health and spirits seemed excellent, and he is making good use of his eyes. -- I received the $20.00 of which I stood in immediate need, and am much obliged for it - and the 'change'. You managed your single sheet very ingeniously and I am perfectly willing to receive one of that kind every day.
As soon as I can, I mean to make a fire in our Library, and hunt the speech you mentioned, besides getting the paper and anything else you may want. Do you want the paper of all kinds? and did you write #twilled English letter paper? I could not make out the word. -- I am going to bed early to try the effect of sleep if it is in store for me. Good night Precious One.
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December 10, 1862
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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