Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-17

Frank has your fondness for sweet scented shrubs and has sent you this, he said pick out the sweetest ones Sella says she wanted to send some but the letter was too full. Dayton O. May 17th. 1863 Dear Husband, You must be content with a short letter today; as I do not feel like writing. Indeed if I did not fear you would be anxious about Frank I would not write at all. Frank seems much better, and has been noisy enough today to justify a belief that he is permanently better. He is very thin, and Robby looks broader than ever by contrast. I am not sick but still feel tired from unpacking and arranging my rooms. If you could see how sweet this little home looks, I am sure you would not talk of selling, and would almost appreciate my feelings last night, when Father told me that *Stillwell* had been looking at the place and wished to know what you would take in cash for it. I had just begun to feel settled and at home; thinking that packing and unpacking days were over for me, and, the announcement just sent me to bed sick and weary. - Now I don't wish it to appear that we work at cross purposes, so I hope you will send word that you do not wish to sell, so that Uncle John and Father may not speak of it any more. I do not wish to hear of it again till another home is provided first, such as we can both like. Father and *Jere* took Lib, Mary and Sella Peirce to Cincinnati on Friday. Mary was anxious to secure some lessons in coloring photographs from a Mr. Miller and Lib wanted to visit the Gardens. Sella had never taken a railroad ride before! Mr. Miller would not give lessons, but said he expected to be in Dayton with Mr. *Caton* next month, and Mary might come and watch him work just as much as she pleased. Father and Sella had excellent photographs taken; and after that they all went to see Mrs. Williams and she sent Lib and Mary to *Heaver's* in her carriage, Father said goodbye to them, visited Mrs. Perry and then returned home, it being Friday morning. The rest remained till Saturday evening. Mary says she kept looking for you to come in to the *Burnet* House parlor, as you used to do. She says she sends a great deal of love to you, all she has; a big box full, an india rubber box full &c. &c. Mrs. Williams was suffering with a sprained ankle, but seemed cheerful and glad to see them. She says *Granville's* sufferings were extremely severe. Alfred is with her. I forgot to tell you that Jeff. Patterson died a short time since. He was taken sick in Columbus; his wife arrived in time to see him before he died; she brought his body home and was met by a dispatch from Cincinnati, telling her that her daughter was dangerously ill at the Mr. *Auburn* school, she hastened down, but too late to be recognised. Father and daughter were buried at the same time! Robert told Mary yesterday that Eliza had real whooping cough; if so I am afraid to go there; I shouldn't like to have it again myself. - I have only called at the door in the carriage as I won't walk out in the daytime and can't in the evening. - Don't forget to tell me what to do about the fence. Why didn't I get two letters this week? I wrote two and expected two certainly. I just won't write so often; will just answer all I get, than now! Seriously Dearest, you must help keep me up, you are ever in my thoughts; I have your picture so that I can see it first on opening my drawer, but I must have your letters very often. It is dark, all send love; to you dear Husband #and Father. Thine Ever, Augusta#
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May 17, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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