Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-05-19

Dayton, O. May 19th 1863 Dear Husband, Your letter of the 15th came yesterday and this morning the boxes. About the letter I think there must be some mistake, as you told me not to expect them till the last of this week. They came by Adam's Express instead of the Merchant's Express, as I thought you intended, and there was a bill of $22.60 to pay. I write immediately so that any mistake may be corrected. All came safely, excepting that one corner of my machine was badly rubbed. I have not yet found the leather band, but it may be among the things that are not yet stowed away. Won't I rejoice when every thing is in it's place? I fear from your letter that you are not very comfortable, certainly not as comfortable as we are. Mother seems to think that I must have everything right in my 'Quarters' at any rate. I have tried to relieve them of some of their extra furniture but have not succeeded very well so far. *Vallandingham's* sentence has been published and all think it quite too light. By the way I think you would be amused to hear some old democrats talk of late: I heard of Rufas King declaring he wasn't a democrat but an abolitionist! Greer too is quite fierce Gen. Wood I believe has converted him. I am glad you have sold the furniture if such high rates of freight are charged; did you sell the big chair too? Did you give Mrs. Mc.Elrath an opportunity to buy? You know I told you she asked to have the first opportunity. Mary says tell Luther that the *rage* for wax flowers is so great that she has one scholar nearly seventy years old! The witch means Mother, who thinks she can assist Mary in various ways by taking lessons. That man has not paid up yet, as Uncle John told me today: He promised to make him and bring me some, but I have not seen any. The fact is, after paying $22.60 Expressage I hadn't much left of the $26.00 you gave me at parting. I heard something yesterday that excited my curiosity not a little. Lib says she understood Capt. Schenck to say that he was looking over a gentleman's sketch book at Key West, but it might have been an album; when he came to a picture which he thought he ought to know, and remarked that it must be Miss Forrer, he said no, it was Miss Bruen of Fort Hamilton, and showed him pictures of the children also. The gentleman was *Fouguet*. Lib says the Captain spoke very highly of his talent for sketching and she thinks the pictures were in his sketch book. Did you send him any pictures besides your own? I gave him Robby's I believe. Don't forget to tell me about this. Rob is so delighted with riding, that it is next thing to impossible to keep him out of the carriage, which being rather a dangerous place when older persons are not with him, we are trying to break him of. yesterday he had to stay at home twice because he would get in alone, but today when we were at Lib's he had the advantage, as we were obliged to let him ride home. Be sure and tell Emma that the children were very much pleased with her presents and tell her that I want to know how she and Mrs. Carny are living. Thank Charley Sears for the plants, which were quite fresh, and if you can get the salvia seeds I should be very glad. I don't believe I # have any more of your pictures than enough for the children but I will look as soon as I can get a little time. Everybody has gone to bed, and I ought to be there too so good night dearest Augusta Morning - Howard was indeed to *memphis* on the 11th. He did not know where they were to go after that. What about the fence? All pretty well Write often dearest. Have found two or three photographs but will only send one this time for want of stamps. Thine ever Augusta #
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May 19, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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