Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-07

Dayton O. June 7th 1863 You are so constantly in my thoughts this morning, my dear One, that I feel like writing. I aroused earlier than the rest of the family, and lay thinking of you; of our early love, which had increased as years had passed; so sweet were the thoughts that I felt almost as if you were with me indeed, and my heart overflowed with love and thankfulness. I could say "Father make us pure and holy, and do with us as Thou will." There was none of that want of Faith, that so often makes me unhappy; would that it could always be so; that I could always feel that even if we never meet again, I have more than many have to be thankful for, in the beautiful past. True it has not always looked so, but it might if I had seen as clearly as I now can. I saw a letter from Aunt Mary yesterday, asking advice about a tombstone for Howard, she merely said the Doctor will do nothing in the matter; but what volumes that meant! How much she would willingly give to possess one half the affection you lavish on me. Her children are good however, and on them she bestows the love that is not sated* by her husband (?). Our three little ones were just here to show me a pretty beetle, which Frank and Robby had found. I am very glad the two little boys play together as pleasantly now; they are really companions for each other. True they are companions in mischief as often as anything else, but I once feared they would always contend instead of agree. Robby did a funny thing while I was away last Friday; Betty found him entirely naked in the large trough of water that Mother keeps for her flowers: he said he was swimming! Frank had not found him or I suppose he too would have been in, as they have both begged me to allow them to go in, very many times. Lib had her strawberry party on Friday, which passed off pleasantly I believe. I went out late in the afternoon and arranged flowers and *summer* strawberries. Her supper was at nine o'clock, when I retreated to the kitchen and kept little Elliott company. Uncle John came out, and insisted that every body was inquiring for Mrs. Bruen; I gave him a lecture for talking so loud, and he ran off to tell Aunt Ann that a 'lady was in the kitchen who wished to see her." *Mart* H. said she thought that as far as appearances were concerned I might as well be in the room as Mary Van Ausdel! I saw Robert when I went to invite him and Eliza to the party; he told me that he was going to start for Washington on Monday and rather expected to see you too. He is going with some connection of his from Mississippi, who says he was sent off for being a Union man, and is dying to recover his property. - For the first time since my return, I yesterday felt like working in the yard Father, Mother and I all worked and it is quite improved. My part was necessarily rather small, for I am almost helpless in comparison with other times. The birth of our little one will be a great relief to me on this account Mrs. Holt thinks I am much more cheerful than ever before; I believe she is right, I certainly try to be. - Write as often as possible Dearest I have had but one letter this last week, but am hoping for one tomorrow. Col. Anderson resigned on account of ill health. *Strong* took his place. I know very little about any of the officers. - We had a letter from Howard dated June 2nd. which relieved me of fears or him at least for a time; he was still at Memphis. I almost forgot to ask you about Sella's music lessons, Mrs Gregg came to see me about it she is trying to start her youngest daughter in the world. Her price is 5 or 6 dollars I am almost tempted to try Sella one quarter at #least; as the piano is in this house, and she seems anxious to do it herself, still if you object on account of the expense do not hesitate to say so; I don't want to be considered when it is not quite right. I send you a most *unclear* newspaper article. Mrs. V. is sick, I believe still in bed poor woman! but no *maniac*! I hope you have already told me about the fence, if not please do it in your next. - What is *Emma doing, and where is she living? Remember me to all friends. - I think Mary *L.* will make a better wife than you appear to. She appeared much better when she is not with gentlemen. Love and kisses Augusta# #The Journal is printed on sheets about the size of large letter paper - I begrudge a cent postage on it - so only send extracts.#
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June 7, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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