Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-03

Dayton O. June 3rd 1863 Dear Luther, Which is it that is to blame for no letter this evening, a mail or a male? Certain it is there is no letter from you dearest, and I came very near having the 'Blues'; but having had an attack last evening I thought it wouldn't do, besides there may be one tomorrow. I am very helpless now, and Mother thinks I will be sick sooner than I think probable; if the children are only comfortably fixed for warm weather and my nurse can come, I don't care when the little stranger makes its advent, the sooner the better. Robert's woodhouse was burnt down last night, supposed to be the work of incendiaries -- as he has been threatened, I hear. I have only seen *Kitty* and Sella today. They say Eliza is much frightened and is inclined to give up a trip to Chicago, which Susie told me yesterday, her Father wished her to make next week. I saw Jennie Irwin yesterday, she enquired for you, and I showed her your picture which she pronounced excellent and very handsome; I did not tell her what "elegant legs" might have been appended! She went on to tell me that I was looking well and so pretty that she thought you ought to be here to see me. Father asked me if I had returned the compliments; I had not, but might, as she was looking very well indeed. Strawberries are plenty now, and Lib thinks of having a party next Friday. Of course I shall not attend; I don't think I should feel inclined even if I was more presentable. I want Vicksburg taken, the War closed forever, and two dear ones safely at home first, then I could attend strawberry festivities out there with real pleasure. When we talked of selling, I told Mother to remove my handsome plants, consequently we have fewer roses than usual, but the Prairie Queen will soon be full, and Mother's trees fill up. The Grape vine that you set out over the southwestern corner of the front building is quite large and full of flowers; Father is training it under Sella's window. The Boursault rose that stands at the corner we are training around to the western side. The blackberries are thriving and promise a good crop. Father says there was very good fruit on them last summer. Don't forget to tell me about the fence, and indeed, just what you expect me do with the money you send. I must put out most of my sewing; I tried to work yesterday, but have suffered for it ever since. I can still cut out; and can sew a little with my hand; all else will have to be given up. Whether Uncle is doing anything with the 'note' or not I cannot say as I scarcely see him. We spent the evening at his house quite pleasantly last Monday. Our son Robert deliberately put both feet on the table at dinner today, because I refused to let him come back for more dinner! The movement took us so by surprise that Grandpa left in haste to prevent an explosion, and the rest of us were glad to introduce something to laugh at immediately! I will send up early in the morning and try to get a letter in time to answer before the mail goes out and will say good night now to my dear, good Husband. Morning -- Sella has been up to the Office and been rewarded with your letter. Check received and thank you for it -- shall I paint the fence? It is near Post Office time so I cannot answer fully. Why did not my last letter arrive sooner I wonder. I sent it Thursday morning. -- Gen. McCook has joined the church, left off drinking and has prayers with his staff every day. They say they wish they too could be married if they could #improve so much by it. *Nettie's* story is that he is on his knees or writing to *Kate* all the time. -- Don't make remarks about this, please my dear one. It is all right for him no doubt. Although we may differ from him in our belief I hope we shall be none the less anxious to work the good work of a kind Heavenly Father. We certainly need his support in such times. Love and kisses Dearest from all, Augusta#
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June 3, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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