Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-16

Dayton O. June 16th. 1863 Dear Luther, It is excessively warm but a letter shall, at least, be begun. Father, *Jere* and Lib, went to Columbus this morning; Mother staid with the children (Lib's) all day, but Mary went to spend the night with them, on my account. We went tonight to see if my nurse was ready, and found her waiting for me. I saw the Doctor too today; he says he thinks I am doing well and was very encouraging. So far, so well; I almost hope your Sunday letter will give you the news of 'Luther' junior or little Mary. Our last news is so threatening that I fear your time has come; I cannot but hope not; but if the worst comes will try to be patient and hopeful still; believe me dearest, I will do my best to keep up my spirits and take care of the little ones left to my charge. And I hope you may yet receive many cheerful letters from us even if you are sent to the field. Of course you will tell me where to direct letters. Later. - Aunt Ann came in when I had written thus far, and has just gone. I showed her my baby's drawer, which she admired almost as much as did Miss Sella, who got into it the other night, and wanted to know who it was for; I told her that perhaps a little baby would come to us soon, and then the little things would be needed. She was quite delighted at the idea and said she hoped it would be a sister. I don't exactly know which I wish for We have but one daughter; yet I wish very much to name one for you, my own dear one; so either way I shall be content if it is only well formed and healthy. The seminary closes for summer vacation, on Thursday, and Mary has been very busy preparing her scholars' pictures and some wax flowers of her own for *exebition*. She has lately made a full blown rose and buds, that exceed any thing she has yet attempted, although her spring beauty and white trillium are also very beautiful. The children are well; I generally allow them to play on the upper porch and our rooms in their nightgowns, after dinner till five or six o'clock when I dress them, and try to keep them decent the remainder of the evening; rather a difficult thing however, unless we ride. The family is so large that they have to take turns; besides Robby is apt to fall asleep in the evening. - short time since he was about going to sleep, when I began to nod; whereupon Mary lectured me, saying she wouldn't take me to ride if I couldn't keep awake; Rob, is always ready to take my part, and it was funny to see him open his eyes wide with astonishment at me, and then fight Mary for scolding me. We managed to keep him awake till we reached home. I forgot to mention that Sella very anxiously enquired a short time since if I thought this "big lump in my stomach was a cancer!! I assured her that it was not, and she felt quite relieved Cancers will have to be avoided in future I think, as she will be apt to have her eyes opened soon. Rather queer things to write, but I know you would enjoy their innocent remarks if you were here, and it seems as if I ought to tell you as much as possible; only, do take good care to keep the letters in safe places. It is nearly eleven, so I will wait to see if I get a letter tomorrow before finishing. Good night, dear Husband. Wednesday Eve - Your letter came this evening, dear Husband, and I will answer the business part first. - Father has not yet returned from Columbus, but as soon as he does, I will get him to get the copies of those notes and endorsements; Mother proposed that once before; and as she feels almost as much interest in the matter as we do, I think it will be done. I only hope you way still be there to attend to it. Remember me to Capt. Putnam, how does he like the "*field" into which he has been sent. I am afraid he feels inclined to try Mr. Dupont's bad practice, upon the 'Longshoremans"; I wish you and he would think better of that foolish habit. Do you think I am beginning to be a scold? Not a bit of it! I just think you are the dearest and best of men; but I always did quarrel with the least approval to profanity; Mother and I have been to call on Mrs. *Darst* and Mrs. *Adlin* this evening. Mrs. *A.* said she had not heard from her boys for some time and asked if Howard had been heard from. I told her, yes we had had a letter dated June 9th. I did not tell her however, of another that Henrietta received a day or so later in which he says "the accepted resignation of the Major (*O*.) has been received." I do feel sorry for that family, particularly Mr. O. who has tried to make something out of those boys. Uncle John says the town is quite jubilant over the nominations of Brough and Anderson, he said the other evening that the *Vallandighammers* felt pretty much as if they 'had drawn the elephant.' So you prefer December to July! Wonder if you would allow that to interfere, supposing a July furlough was given you? As for me, I like cool weather much the best but, don't believe I would tell you not to come any time. Do you wonder that I take so little notice of the war news? - I read the papers and then wait patiently for further developments, without allowing myself to speculate or grow excited. Is the Colonel thinking of blacking anybody's boots this time? It is to be hoped that somebody on our side will deserve that honor from him and *us* both; it is not right to speak so however, for we certainly have many brave officers and soldiers. Some of *Vallandigham's* delegates on their way to see his wife; asked Julia Schenck where he lived; Julia pointed out the house saying "he did live there he lives down south now". Exceedingly Schinckey but pretty good! Have you converted that second landlady yet? Rather hot weather for her 'balls' I think. Love to Mrs. *Mc. Elrath*, to whoever I am indebted for her attention to you. Do you know whether Arnold and *Rawles* were with Banks in the late fights? And what about Gen. Stone? Was Capt. Lay very sick? I have half a mind to send that photograph of you to Howard instead of giving it to Mart. He seems very cheerful, and threatens to send a big negro wench to Mother if she don't take better care of herself. Still at Memphis, and likely to remain there some time. Col. Sprague is still about on furlough, Col. Fuller commands. Another long letter! Perfectly ridiculous! Tell me you don't like them, There's a dear, and see how cross I'd get, my letters would be exceedingly short (and sweet) depend upon it! Never mind they will have to be short very soon now. The children have been asleep this long time; Sella will take this letter to the office in the morning early. - Goodbye dearest One, Augusta #I do not remember the *Clover*# #Thursday Morning - Children all dressed and Sella ready to take the letter - all well but Mother who gets too much fatigued Good bye dear Love Augusta#
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June 16, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
8 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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