Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-06-21

1 Dayton O. June 21st 1863 Dear Luther, I am still out of bed and feel rather disappointed that it is so. Your letter came yesterday, and I was glad that you did not give up to your want of inclination for writing a short letter (not a poor one, as you said) is better than none. Robby has not seemed quite well and I feared chills, but having dressed him rather more warmly and kept him from exposure, he seems quite bright again. The little fellow found some beetle or insect of another kind, which Father says was striped and spotted this he called a "Union bug". The next morning I heard him and Frank talking about a "Rebel bug". Frank tried to crow like a rooster, this morning in bed, and then asked me, if roosters are made to "wake people up". Father and Lib returned from Columbus on Friday; Jere came the day before. Poor Father had quite a charge on his hands both going and coming. Mary sent a case of pond Lilies to Kate Kelley and she and I together sent for an aquarium for Mother (total expense $3.50) This Father brought with him instead of packing. They will not receive anything for first yet, although I have had to have a great deal since my return, besides I did not fully realize how much care the children must have been to Mother, till I came back; I thought therefore that you would not object to my making a small present. I would not mention this, only I am determined to have no secrets from you however small. I forgot to tell you I believe, about Joe Crane's change of politics. He has become a great abolitionist. He said that he had see too much since this war began; for instance, he said to one little boy as white as himself, "go and tell your grandmother" something or other (the mistress of the mansion was designated by Grandmother) the child looked up and said it was not his grandmother, and that he was a slave. Mr. Davis says that when Joe calls a colored master, he says "come here brother-in-law". Of course this is his funny way of replying to the teasing he gets. When bantered here at home, he said "why to be sure; I am going down to take tea with Mr. Brady and sleep with Dr. Jewett. You see he looks out for the eating part as well as ever. Father has inquired again about painting the fence of a man who seems to be highly recommended by all careful business men and he makes its probable worth $25.00. Father says he works by the day if it is wished, and we think of having it primed, keeping careful account of expense; then perhaps putting on a second coat only. This however cannot be done for two weeks, as Father is obliged to be absent up north; and wishes to be here when the painting is done. I fear by that time I shall not have the funds. I am not sorry however that I paid Uncle John, or several accounts. If you wish it I will send you an account of expenses, as nearly as I can; merely for your satisfaction. I have got nothing for myself but the children all had to have hats (I trimmed them myself) and shoes will wear out. Thread, buttons, taxes, *&c. &c,* are needed and sewing and washing and gas take their share. Father does not use the gas, he is waiting to see what mine costs. I hope he will, for mine is the only cheerful looking room in the house in the evening. Father went to Dr. Jewett's yesterday and paid those notes. He said the payments were put 2 5 down by Uncle and Wilbur Conner, but by whom they were made not mentioned excepting in one case. When you have found out all about it I hope you will let me know. Is Johnson's interest due in July? I have forgotten. Father saw Colonel Sprague and had good talks with him. He says he withheld Howard's commission as adjutant some time on account of his youth; and became entirely satisfied of his ability to fill the place before giving it to him. His habits are entirely unexceptionable and he is popular with the whole regiment. Father said he would like to know about his courage, but supposed it had hardly been sufficiently tested. The Col. said that it had been, as much as if he had been in a great battle, that he felt himself competent to judge, had watched him carefully, and was satisfied that he possessed it to a high degree. I must confess that I have never had a fear for him in any of these particulars, nevertheless it was gratifying to be assured of them by his Colonel. Wonder which commanding officer feels the happier; the one who can commend and who receives respect and love from all under him, or he who wraps himself up in his own grandeur, and acts the petty tyrant? Needn't answer, guess I can tell myself; don't carry the latter any how. There's a bugle call from the barracks; how familiar it sounds! Evening -- Mr. and Mrs. Brady have just left. She says his cough is better, but she is very unwell, lost all her ambition for house work, baking and so forth; he's down every day she is "so lazy" as she expresses it. Robby brought me this slip of paper which he said was "a letter for papa." Good night dearest and best one, Thine only, Augusta
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June 21, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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