Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-05

Dayton O. July 5th. 1863 Dear Luther, I am sitting up in the big chair today for the first time, it being the tenth day. As I have not yet borne my weight on my limbs, it is impossible to say whether I am better of my weakness or not. The tediousness of confinement to bed being over, there is nothing more to be done, but keep cheerful and try to get strong for the next three weeks (nearly) and then the tug of war will begin over again, taking care of four restless little beings. Poor Mother has her hands full now with three of them and I shall be glad when I am able to relieve her. She had one of her worst attacks of headache yesterday and past a dreary "Fourth." I understood the *Brough* meeting yesterday was quite large, and the day passed off pleasantly. A grand display of fireworks closed the proceedings; Sella and Robbie went to see it, but Frank was afraid and stai'd at home; he however saw a private display at Mr. West's who bought Dryden's house. Mr. W. belongs to Whalen & Wilson machine establishment. The two boys are rushing through the house playing "wild steam car" as Mary tells me. Poor Robbie has tumbled and crys as if a nap could end the matter. Sella admires her little sister more than her brothers do, and hangs round very anxious to know when she can nurse her. The wee thing grows finely and promises to be quite pretty. She was so fretful at first that I felt quite uneasy, but there has been a change for the better the last two or three days. I have heard my nurse speaking of different physicians, and changing physicians lately, and the thought suggested itself to me, that I ought to ask you what you would wish me to do in case of severe illness. I ask merely for your own satisfaction, as I feel perfectly willing to trust myself or family to Dr. Webster. I know however that Mrs. Brady and some others think it outrageous to trust to homeopathy, and unless I have you on my side I may be placed in a very embarrassing position some day. As far as I can hear Dr. W. has much to bear from the really ungentlemanly conduct of several of the physicians; the *Jeretts* call him a secessionist and Dr. Davis is persistently ugly with him; I don't think I could be induced to employ the latter person on any account, his disposition seems naturally very ugly. Don't forget to tell me distinctly your wishes in regard to this matter. I hope they may not be needed but it is best to be ready for any emergency. Dr. Webster does not talk any thing but Union sentiments, and denounces Vallandigham. What have you found out in relation to *the* Jewett notes that Father copied for you? You have never spoken of them. Your Saturday evening letters have not come till Monday, at least I am hoping the last one is only delayed till tomorrow. Send as many as you can; I almost live on them these days. - I suppose I must stop writing and fear this is a very unsatisfactory letter; I always wish I could know just how you will be feeling when my letter arrives so that I could try to suit it to your mood; but as that cannot be, I must write as I can, and hope you can always see the affectionate loving wife in all. I think I can do better than heretofore if we ever live together again. God grant the time may soon come! Love and kisses from all to thee Dearest One, Augusta
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July 5, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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