Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-08

Dayton O. July 8th. 1863 Dear Luther, Such good news is coming that I must indulge in pen and ink once more. - I hope our separation is lessened several months by the events of the last few days; yet we must not be too sanguine. Your last letter made me both glad and sorry; glad, because your annoyance was settled, but sorry because you have lost the society of your most congenial friends. I am truly sorry at the Captain's removal. I feel anxious too about the proposed removal of headquarters; fearing you will be sent to the field; patriotism is sadly wanting when I think of that. I'll be as good as possible, however, come what will. Sella was much distressed yesterday at the loss of Dash; he was badly used by one of De Graff's dogs and had to be shot I was sorry for the child, and would rather have lost him some easier way nevertheless he was no favorite with me being both troublesome and ugly; Mary however insisted that he was just the fashionable tan color, and only needed a little *quilled* trimming on his tail to put him in the height of the mode!! The large flag I made two or three years ago, was put up on the Fourth, and yesterday, while Father was away, Mary and Betty festooned it at the end of the porch in honor of the success at Vicksburg: I made my way into Sella's room to see the flag, and quite enjoyed the change of rooms, and my part in the rejoicing; - The people up street went nearly mad; the shoemaker Reed was cutting out some work which he threw away and rushed into the street; meeting *Hikens*, he pulled off the brim of his hat; *Hikens* pulled off Reed's, and stuck his foot through it, whereupon they exchanged hats and went on rejoicing noisily *cannugh*. Johnson Perrine came here one night last week; no one could see him but Mother; and they had some plain talk. He began advancing some talk, not in accordance with that of good Union people, and Mother gave him her views of such people in general, whereupon he concluded to hush and shortly took his leave. - He made Aunt Ann furious a short time since with similar remarks. - I hope you can soon get out of his debt, and have little to do with him. - Lib says he has never said any thing whatever to *Jere*, and she hopes he won't as she wouldn't like to answer for the assaults. Mrs. Vallandigham has had a present of a butternut colored silk dress, trimmed in some way with butternuts, which she is said to have worn on some occasion. - She is said to have been present at the Butternut picnic on the Fourth where the lowest people went and got drunk and fought. - She will scarcely receive notice from any respectable people after the scenes in which she has lately taken part. Just while I think of it I must acknowledge the receipt of the second $20 note in your last letter; the first I have already acknowledged. I will not write more, till after the mail arrives, hoping to get another precious letter from you. Afternoon -- Your letter has come, dearest, and of course I am glad; yet I am sorry that my letters have been delayed so that you were anxious; I cannot understand why they should as they were put into the office in time. Harrison acted as if he was in earnest, of which I am glad; give my love to Mary and offer my congratulations when you see her. You are a funny one, to be sure! One letter talks of changing headquarters, the next of simply changing quarters in Fort Hamilton; I cannot but hope my dear Husband, that you will think seriously before asking me to return with our little family to Ft. Hamilton. With the exception of yourself it presents an attraction sufficient to make me wish to be back, and even #that attraction would be better elsewhere. I have a disgust for the place not easily overcome. My views of *the* military life are unchanged, and I cannot but hope you are only in sport. Don't be angry with me Luther, I cannot battle with my feelings just now, perhaps when I am stronger I can. Love from all most from your Own Wife, Augusta# Late at Night - Do you think I am crazy? Just blame that night-blooming Cereus, which would come out on Sunday Only think of nine flowers out at once! Of course I had to go down and see it Miss Mary was down too the early part of the evening, but didn't stay after many persons had come in. We had no idea the flowers would come out tonight till about tea time, and then such a rush as we had to let people know! Over a hundred have eventually been here, some persons that I had never seen before. The *Matheson's* preacher and his wife; old *Mrs Steele*, Mrs. Peirce, Mr & Mrs. Odlin and even as many more of rich and poor. Pretty thing to me to be seeing company with a baby little over two weeks old! But I quite enjoyed it; we only wanted you and Howard. - Good night darling. Thursday Morn. - *Reisted* gave Father one of those notes for me, declaring that I am entitled to $72.50, which can be *used* in the year 1865 - I thought it was to be used this year, did not *Reisted* tell you so? All pretty well this morning, Sella is eating her breakfast preparatory to taking this to the office. - I must tell you how intelligent Dr. *Walters* is - Buchanan *Reed* was here on the Fourth. He told Capt Schenck that the Dr. had been very kind to him when they both boarded at *Henck's* years ago. - While they spoke *Walters* drove up to Blanchard's (old Crane house) and the Capt. told him "there's your man now" So over he rushed and introduced himself. The Doctor did not recollect but finally remembered his roommate, "why' said he, "are you that Reed? I haven't heard of you from that day to this, and supposed you were dead! Wasn't that flattering to the famous Poet? This intelligent person, is one of the most respectable of Vallandigham's Friends!! I have thought much of my leaving home but I cannot again ask Mother to keep part of your family, and cannot travel with an infant. The mountain can't go to Mahomet, dearest, - Sella is waiting - Goodbye, A.
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July 8, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
7 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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