Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-12

Dayton O. July 12th. 1863 Dear Husband, I am distressed at your anxiety, and quite unable to account for the nonappearance of letters. I have written every Sunday and Wednesday since the baby's birth; the first letters were quite short and written with a pencil, but the last were much longer. It does seem very strange that the interruption should occur just now when you are of course more anxious than usual, if you still have not heard when your next letter arrives, I will telegraph you as the expense will be trifling in comparison with your suspense. I fear you are very lonely dear Husband, from your letters, yet I cannot see how we are to live together for a long time hence. View your idea of going back to the Fort in any light I will, I cannot think it at all feasible The uncertainty of your stay; unpleasant state of feeling; expense of again setting up for housekeeping after expense of *giving* on trouble of securing good servants, and consequent anxiety to me which in all probability would make our baby ill even if it could bear the journey; and how I would travel with four children is quite beyond my comprehension. - I fear a long separation is inevitable dearest, and am trying to make up my mind to bear it. I am almost ready to say I don't want even a visit from you, for fear it will prove an aggravation, and another parting be too great a grief to bear. Yet I know right well that I could not resist your coming if you should propose it, the temptation would be too great. I just long for a good long look at you; perhaps a few good talks would not be unacceptable! Of one thing I believe I am rather certain, I don't want you to come till I am much stronger than at present, and till little Mary has overcome her restlessness, and can smile a wee little bit. She is a sweet darling now to her Mother, but you will appreciate her better after while. Mary Shaw had a daughter born to her last Friday, being just two weeks younger than ours. Mr. Perrine told Mother and Father that it was the first pretty little baby he had ever seen. They say its hair is very long, which is more than Mary's is, as you will see from the small specimen Mary Forrer has been at great trouble to cut for you. If it is pleasant tomorrow, I am to have my first ride. Lib thought to be out long before, but I waited for the Doctor to say so, not expecting he would allow it for a week yet. I think I am better, but very weak yet, and quite careful to nurse a restless baby. - Our children are all restless; those two boys are untiring in their mischief; poor Grandmother gets along with them downstairs just as long as possible, then I take them upstairs or the porch and try to relieve her. Mary heard Robby calling out something the other day, and asked him what he was doing "I'm calling God." "What for?" "I'm telling him to make it stop raining so I can go out to play." Mother has a night-blooming Cereus just ready to bloom; it will probably have eight or nine flowers out tomorrow night, if these boys don't do some mischief with it, I believe however that they are well disposed towards it. Uncle John came in to see me this morning pulled the baby's ear; called it *"Abercrombie"* and "little cuss". Will was anxious to come over some days since but his Mother insisted upon his visiting. William & Mary Harris were here evening before last in search of my nurse; she is expecting to be sick soon. She did not know I was here but came up to see me on learning it. - Jane is back from St. Louis with another baby - Harriet has none, and Emma or Emily has rheumatism so badly that she cannot hold hers. For fear you have not received my other letters I will repeat in this, that I have received the Forty dollars #*Serendipity* seems to have taken hold of me so that I cannot half write - none the less if you get this letter your mind will feel at ease about us all. Dear Good Husband Goodbye with love and kisses from all. Thine Ever Augusta#
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July 12, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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